Tales Of Two Lover

John and Ella, were two lovers. Their first encounter was when they were in high school. John was a shy type but extremely brilliant while Ella was a flirty girl. Ella had a rich boyfriend named Kelly. Kelly drives one of the most expensive cars in the school and he was born from an exclusive family’s. Kelly gained a feelings for Ella because of her exquisite beauty among her peers. Ella was so beautiful that even the teachers had crush on her but they couldn’t approach her because of school rules and regulation governing student and teacher.


Kelly first Approached Ella during lunch time and Ella being a single young beautiful lady and seeing that Kelly has a nice and expensive lifestyle also wants to belong, little did she know that there was more to Kelly than she thought. Kelly spoilt Ella with lots of gift, love messages, seeing that she deserves it because of her beauty, but Ella never felt a flinch for Kelly. All she wanted was his money and Fun time.

John was extremely brilliant and handsome also, most ladies often come close to John but John does free himself around. Sometimes when he is being surrounded by girls around him he gets uncomfortable then leaves their midst. John never for once liked Kelly, because he was rude and a bully also. Most times in school, john engages in playing of chess, basketball and other sports also. But Kelly left the team because he felt he was too rich and he could buy the whole team.

John First speech encounter with Kelly was when Kelly approached him that she had difficulty in understanding a critical thinking phenomena question, on this moment john was startled because he have had a long crush on Ella which he sometimes find it hard to approaching her because of her present guy she’s dating. Ella also have a thing for john but since john does not show any love towards her she act like she doesn’t care. On this moment John felt his heart beating like a sound of hundred drums together, his minds were blowing high whistles and his body was rising like ha has seen an Angel. Then John answered her yes, then both of them sat together for 52mintues, but John was distracted by her hair, because the hair where moving around her dazzling beauty, Ella notice that he was distracted, Ella in her heart whispered (does he has feelings for me the way I do). She go nervous then stood up and left

The Next Day, Kelly brought Ella to school. John spent hours having lot of fun thought about he and Ell, then he has made up his mind that he was going to approach her. Kelly was passing with Ella then he pushed John but to feel himself ella felt bad but she couldn’t say anything.

It is a sunny afternoon not is time for lunch, John grabbed Ella’s hand to the music club house which they were only few there. Ella asked: why did you grab me to this place. Then John looking at her too eyes, without showing any shyness before her, then Ella fully knew that John was I to her.

  • Then John said

Ella somebody needs you like never before,

The First day we met I was too shy to say I love you

But not I have to because

You are my warmth in my heart

It haunts me everyday seeing you with another person

My Heart is Made to love you

My Lips are made to Kiss you

My eyes are made to see you only

My hands are made to hold you

My hearts hurts me deep inside seeing that you are not mine

Show me and tell me you like me

Because my heart will be dark inside if I don’t have you

I will wait till Death

Because my heart calls for you only.

Ella was startled and shocked, No one has ever felt this way towards her or spoken to her emotionally with true heart the way Kelly did, they both dazed at each other’s eyes for some minutes before John began to get shy and nervous again, Ella then took John face with her too hand Pointing it direct to eyes, she whispered loudly in a soft tone saying, “what took you so long”. Both of them then had a long kiss emotionally with some romantic body touch. From this moment they both concluded that were a perfect match.

An hour later it was time for class then Kelly say Ella and John holding hands together smiling. Kelly the took his fist and landed it on John saying “Do not touch my babe” people were gathered to watch this scene. Ella seeing mouth gushing blood out had to speak back at Kelly in a hurtful way. She got so emotional and had to pour out her mind about Kelly in front of everyone

She said;

Why why why must you you do that

I Hate you Kelly

I So much dislike you Kelly

You never for once called me your girlfriend, only to send love messages on my phone

You are a mummy’s boy from a broken home

I hate the day I met you

You are a pain to me

You insult my family, you are rude and you never accept corrections

To hell with you and your fucking self

You always move with other girls but think am a fool around you

Forget about me, because you will never have me again

Am never yours and I will never be yours

I love John and I will stand by him and with him no matter what.

Kelly was speechless, he couldn’t do anything but just to watch both of them emotions. Ella picked up Kelly from the ground then assisted him to the school clinic. Then John sarted smiling, with blood gushing from his nose and mouth and his eyes on Ella hair again moving around her Astonishing face. Then Ella said to John Now am yours, they both smiled at each other because they felt they were free already but little did they know that kelly wasn’t going to leave them alone like that.

Next Phase ahead.

This is My entry to #Aprilinloe #inleo Month Prompt engagement. April Inleo calendar Day 17, This is my Fifth Engagement.

Thank you for Reading.
Yours sincerely

All image from Pixabay

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