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The Eleventh date in May(fiction)


"Hmmm"... Zara heaved heavily as she stared at her reflection in the mirror, she looked astonishing and graciously beautiful in her sleeveless Coral silk long-slited gown. She had had a hassle picking the perfect dress for the date and the most suitable makeup for the date.

" Zara, are you almost done?" Michelle shouted from the kitchen

"Almost," Zara replied rolling her eyeball and giving a smirk sound.

Her words locked in her thoughts, she picked up her purse and strutted toward the kitchen.

"How do I look," She asked giggling

Stunning, I'm sure he will be mind-blown when he sights you, and make sure don't screw it, you need to love again" Michelle said as she sashayed to the kitchen cabinet.

"I promise you I won't" Zara replied, giving her friend, Michelle a pinky swear

Bye… I love you, Don't screw it, cheers to the last date to finding Mr. Right with a matching genotype," 'Michelle shouted as Zara hurried out of the house when they heard the sound of the honking from the Uber driver.

I love you too… byeeee… Zara replied, shutting the door so hard.

So many thoughts ran through her head as the drive began, she will be twenty-seven in June and she can't still get her act together in finding a man. Even though she has always said she is not ready for love and commitment, deep down, she is madly in need of falling in love again and getting into a commitment with someone she would love to spend the rest of her life with.

Her last relationship with Daniel ended in March, and they just had to go their separate ways because of their genotype. Daniel was AS and she was also AS. Now she has learned her lesson to always be sure of a potential boyfriend's genotype before falling in love.

"I'm not ready to go down that road again," She thought audibly

And now that she is in her prime, she is ready to take chances with guys, she met Peter on a dating website and they agreed to meet after two days of face time.

The surrounding was lited with beautiful lights that could brighten anyone's skin tone. She scrutinized the place, and walk majestically in the direction of Peter. She noticed how his eyes glared at her.

"Hello, it's so nice meeting you," Peter said, extending his hand for a handshake

Wow! She liked him already, his composure, and handsomeness, he is just everything she wants in a man

"Erm, it's nice meeting you," Peter repeated bringing her back from "cloud nine.

"It's nice to meet you".. Zara said smiling sheepishly

Peter's communication ability was the sweetest as she listened to him talk about himself, leaving no stone unturned when Zara asked to know more about him.

She felt like she has known him for a while as sweet sensations run down her spine.

"This one is special! But why is he seeming too good to be true" She got overwhelmed by her thoughts.

Peter noticed.

"Baby, are you okay?" Peter said after noticing the splurge in her excitement going down.

"Yes, I'm fine," She smiled wryly

"Zara, I know this shit is crazy but I felt like I have known you for years. It feels so surreal and I'm sure I will want to be the man that walked you down the aisle. Peter said holding her hands across the table

I have the same feelings too, and I do like you," Zara replied.

She felt butterflies in her stomach as they walked hand-in-hand down the interlocked way outside the eatery.

"I wonder why so many parents fail to avoid the problem of giving birth to an Ss child when they can prevent it before marriage," Zara said trying to initiate a conversation around genotype.

"It's just so annoying and devastating, to be honest," Peter replied.

"So, what's your genotype?" Zara asked

"The best genotype you can ever think of, I'm AA, Peter replied.

She felt so happy within. He planted a kiss on her forehead and bid her goodnight as the Uber driver pulled over at her apartment.
