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Unfazed serenity

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You can't control what happens to you, but you can control how you react to it.

I have a senior sister who is just my opposite when it comes to socializing. Every time I look at her, I wish I could be more like her - carefree and not too bothered about anything. She makes me remember the song 'Chandelier' by Sia. Despite going through more than anyone else in our family, she manages to be happy and vibrant.

I remember one time when she took me out to see one of her secondary school friends, Esther. We met in a bar, and they were so happy to see each other. They talked a lot while I just sat there, watching a movie on my phone to pass the time. Esther ordered pepper soup with goat meat, and after some time, they both got up.

"We'll be going over there to get something. It will take a minute," my sister said.

"Okay," I replied, eager to get back to my phone.

After a few minutes, they returned with five shawarmas, which immediately grabbed my attention. We started eating, and my sister suddenly realized her phone was missing.

"What time is it?" she asked, reaching into her handbag with her free hand.

"Esther, I can't find my phone," she said, turning to her friend with a look of shock.

"But you didn't bring it to the grill stand," Esther replied, equally surprised.

"Jo, did anybody come over to this table when I left without my handbag?" my sister asked me.

"No, I can't recall seeing anyone come over here and search your bag," I answered. Feeling bad, I stopped eating, but my sister continued the conversation with her friend as if she wasn't just looking for her phone.

She noticed I wasn't eating and beckoned me to continue, assuring me not to worry about her lost phone. The way she handled the situation was amazing to me. It was like water off a duck's back for her. Honestly, if I could learn how to handle things like she does, I would.

As we finished our meal, my sister's calm demeanor never faltered. She suggested we take a walk through the bustling city streets nearby. Esther and I agreed, and we strolled leisurely. It was during this walk that I realized just how much I admired my sister's ability to stay composed in any situation.

We talked about various topics during our walk, making jokes from our nostalgic memories of high school.
By the time we returned to the bar, my sister's phone was still missing, but she didn't seem too bothered by it anymore. She assured me that she would deal with it later and that it wasn't worth ruining our evening over.

As we said goodbye to Esther and made our way home, I couldn't help but reflect on the valuable lessons I had learned from my sister that day. Her unfazed resilience and positive attitude had left a lasting impression on me, and I knew that I wanted to strive to be more like her in the face of adversity.

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