The Seamen

Photo by Johannes Plenio:

"Helmsman, hold your course and keep that steady hands on the wheel. Do not let veer us off course. Stay focused, I can smell it hope lies ahead. I can feel it!" Captain James yelled commands sounding all hopeful but deep down he knew they were lost.

Salty mist clunged over the air for the past few days, obscuring the once-familiar horizon Captain James Morrison was very acquitted to. He had sailed these seas for over 20years. He squinted his eye through the thick fog, heart pounding with apprehension. How In the world had they come to be so utterly lost at sea?

His sturdy vessel which he had weathered countless storms with, now felt small and fragile amidst the impenetrable shroud.

He looked down to his crew, comprising of men and women from all walks of life. They all looked up to Captain James for guidance with fear in their eyes. Although their trust and hope in him was unfettering. But in the face of this oppressive mist, even the strongest amongst them faltered. Doubt gradually crept into their hearts.

They had begun their journey with high hopes, setting sail to unexplored territories, with aims of uncovering new horizons and adventures. Never did the foresee that a storm would batter their ship, scatter their navigational tools and plung them into a maze of thick mist. They had lost their bearings and now their hope of survival hang in the balance.

Tensions rising, disagreements amongst the sailors on the best course of action. Their once bright beacon of hope was dimmed with doubt and desperation.

"Captain what if we change our course and try to navigate far away from this fog?" They all called out in desperation.

But like before Captain James Morrison spoke firmly, "We stick to the plan. Stay on course. Changing direction now could lead us deeper into danger."

It was within their squabble and great fear for the uncertain that a beacon emerged from a distance, casting a flickering light upon their dark path.

"All ye sailors, the mist may have stolen our way and made us all weary, but there, there in the distance, lies our salvation," Captain James declared like a man who has conquered a battle, pointing with his sword towards the intermittent glow that had cut through the thick fog.

Eyes widening with renewed determination the whole crew all gasp. The spark of hope has been lit aflame by the beacon, the only lifeline for them to cling to amidst the surrounding darkness.

"All hands on deck, man your sails immediately!. All ye seamen set course for the beacon. Full sail ahead!" The captain commanded. "Helm, steady the ship and navigate us through these treacherous waters. Ahead towards the light! For tomorrow we live and drink alcohol out of our dirty cups, strong men of the sea!".

"Yeah!" They all shouted in reply.

Motivated by the piercing light, the crew all retuned to their positions and set sails towards the light, battling the raging sea and maneuvering their ship closer to their only source of salvation.

Wilh every sail they drew closer and nearer to the beacon. Gradually the fog began to lift revealing a rocky shoreline. And on top it lay solitary, a lighthouse. The beacon atop the lighthouse had fought for them tirelessly against the mist, it's rays of light across the waves had directed them to their salvation.

They finally reached the harbor close to the lighthouse and dropped their anchor. And like weary soldiers they all stepped ashore, their legs shaky and unsteady from the days they've spent battling the tumultuous sea and mist. In single file they walked to the lighthouse as the Captain counted to make sure that none of his crew has been thrown overboard by the storm. In the distance and from the lighthouse a figure emerged from its shadows.

"Welcome, strong but weary sailors," it was the lighthouse keeper, his voice filled welcoming with warmth and relief. "That was a tough storm you seamen fought out there, but you made it safely. I am Rick, the guardian of this beacon."

James and his crew heaved a sigh of relief. They exchanged glances, gratitude and excitement shimmering in their eyes.
Lost for words until the Captain spoke.

"I am the Captain, Captain James and these men are my crew. I must say your beacon saved us," he said, his voice choked with emotion as he looked from his crew to Rick.

" Thank you. We owe you our lives."

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