Between adolescence and maturity - The Ink well Creative Non-fiction prompt #14

I was just beginning my adolescence when I was in high school, it was in front of my house, it was the largest in extension of land in the city. My first year was somewhat cumbersome, leaving school and entering another level was a big shock, so many subjects and teachers at the same time, it was a different journey. In spite of everything I did very well in my grades, at the end of the school year we went to the beach, we went to the park, in short, I enjoyed and rested during my vacations. My second year was better, I felt familiar with both the teachers and the subjects.

When I entered the third year, they introduced new subjects such as physics and chemistry, they were chaotic, very difficult subjects, and I had a hard time adapting to them. For a while I felt disconnected from the world, I had a disorder in my head that did not allow me to concentrate on those subjects or the others. My mother, who worked all day at the university library, only came home at noon to serve us lunch, and then she would go back to work the second shift, but she always asked me "daughter, how are you doing in your studies", I answered "fine, mother, fine".

It was time to hand in the notes , those written in blue were approved, those written in red were failed, I was left with the three marias mathematics, physics and chemistry. She was very angry with me, she told me "because you lied to me, I always asked you and you did not tell me the truth, from now on I will suspend your money, until you pass the subjects, you must make more effort to repair and pass those subjects", I was stiff as a statue, I did not utter a word, I felt very dazed, since I had to study all the programmatic content of the school year.

I made an effort to learn, I took the exam, after three days they published a list with the grades, I went with my mother and checked, they were all in red, I lost the school year, it was a very drastic experience, I learned the lesson and at the same time it made me mature. I graduated in Humanities because I didn't like sciences.

Talking with a classmate named Denisse, she told me "they are dictating some studies for flight attendant, it is very expensive", that caught my attention, so I told her "girl I like the idea, I must consult with my mother for guidance". When she arrived, I explained the situation and she told me "you know that I support you in everything, so you can achieve your dreams", I did my course standing out as one of the best students. One morning while I was having breakfast, the phone rang, I had received a call from American Airlines for a contract as a flight attendant, I had to be first thing Monday morning at the International Airport of the Caribbean, General in Chief Santiago Mariño, in Margarita Island. When I heard that call I hung up the phone, I thought "I have no money to travel, how do I do now?", my grandmother had given me some gold earrings, I went to the exchange house and sold them. My mother was at home, I told her what had happened, suddenly, her eyes got wet, she was sad, those earrings were a memory of my grandmother; however, she told me "sometimes you have to make sacrifices, let go of material things to fulfill our dreams and goals". Sunday night I left on the boat that arrived to the island at five in the morning, I disembarked with a small backpack where I carried some clothes, at that moment I went to the office for the interview. While waiting, I was very anxious, I was sweating cold, at about nine o'clock in the morning, Mr. Washington interviewed me:
"Good morning, you are Miss Rodriguez", I answered:
"of course", he asked me a series of questions that had to do with the area, he said:
"Are you willing to start working from today, there is a flight leaving at four o'clock in the afternoon for Holland?", I was very impressed; however, I said: "ok", I went to the Human Resources Department, they gave me my uniform, I worked with them ten years of my life, it was a wonderful experience, I met many countries, cities and people. With my salary I bought my first car and helped my mother monetarily.

After that time, I felt that I could not stay alone with the flight attendant course, I had to undertake a university career, so I chose Administration, in the second semester of the career I met Jose Rodriguez, a dark, tall, athletic body, a person of very beautiful feelings, we became very good friends so much so that he became my husband. For a while I suspended my classes, since I had become pregnant with my first daughter, when she turned ten years old, I returned to my studies.

After a year, I became pregnant again with my second and last daughter, a month after she was born, I resumed my academic activities from Monday to Friday, I attended my husband. On Saturdays he went with me to the university, while I was in the classroom, he stayed playing in the university gardens with the girls, despite the change in my life, his support was unconditional and without reproach until I managed to get my degree in Administration.

I love doing this story, but ¿do you want to know what the lie is?, my studies as a flight attendant and my job performance with American Airlines.

This publication is non-fiction.
The photo is my property.
Use the translator.
Use Google Docs for grammar.
See you soon.

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