Jeremiel’s Journal {Inkwell Fiction Prompt #143}



Father Thomas was in an exorcism session, helping a young boy named Augustine. He was reciting a prayer when the entity inside Augustine’s body shouted with a coarse voice, “I will get my revenge. I will not leave you alone. I will make you regret this!”

Father Thomas continued with his prayer, and the entity left Augustine’s body.

A Few Days Later

Claire, with an old journal in her hand, raced to the church to confess. She went to the confessional and sat down.

“Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned,” Claire said, taking a deep breath. She was shaking and confused.

“Brace yourself and tell me everything,” Father Thomas said calmly.

Claire, who held the journal tightly to her chest, began her story:
“I was looking for Emily in the woods. It was dark, and I was walking in the woods when I saw something shining from afar. I went closer to see what it was. Something was half buried in the ground beside an old tree. I took it out. It was a vintage leather journal. I opened the journal and saw drawings of people who were about to die in tragic accidents. In each drawing, the presence of two otherworldly creatures was seen. One has white wings, and the other has black wings. They are in all the drawings. That night, when I got home, I had a dream about a man with black wings who introduced himself as Azazel. He looked like one of the beings in the drawings in that journal. He asked me to do something for him. He said he is my guardian angel, and he would make me wealthy. He said if I don’t do what he asked me to do, I will die, and no one will help me!” Claire said, nervously.

“What did Azazel ask you to do? And where is the journal? Did you bring it with you?” Father Thomas asked, curiously, not to disturb Claire any further.

“Yes, father. I have the journal with me,” Claire said, a bit calmed down.

Father Thomas and Claire came out of the confessional rooms. Claire gave the journal to Father Thomas with shaky hands.

As Father Thomas was flipping the pages of the journal, he asked, “You didn’t tell me what Azazel asked you to do?!”

There was a moment of silence. Father Thomas reached the end of the journal and saw a drawing of himself about to be suffocated by Claire. She looked savage and possessed by an inhuman being. Her eyes were wide and demonic.

Father Thomas, who was surprised, looked up at Claire.

Anger in her eyes, Claire jumped on Father Thomas, trying to suffocate him, “He asked me to kill you!”

Suddenly, the man with white wings appeared and put his right hand on Claire’s forehead. She calmed down and closed her eyes for a moment. A shadow came out of her body, and ran outside, crossing the stained glasses.

“My name is Jeremiel, and I prevent untimely deaths. The journal is a tool to keep me connected to your world. Azazel is a fallen angel. His goal is to bring destruction to humanity. I have finished my duty and helped you two. Now, before I go, please put the journal where Claire found it. You are not the only one I should help! Oh, and I would take a look at the cottage near the tree if I were you!” Jeremiel said and disappeared.

“Where am I? What am I doing here? I have no memory of coming here. Claire asked, confused.

“Don’t worry. You’re safe now here,” Father Thomas replied, helping Claire stand.

“You were possessed by Azazel, and you were about to suffocate me. That entity wanted to get revenge on both of us. But Jeremiel helped and prevented him from achieving his sinister goal,” Father Thomas explained.

“I’m sorry. Azazel said he would make me suffer if I didn't allow him to use my body. He said, after killing you, I should burn the journal! I was tricked. I was scared. Forgive me, father!” Claire said, regretful.

“You are not the first to be tricked by dark entities, and you certainly won’t be the last. We have to put the journal where you found it. Do you know from where exactly you took it?” Father Thomas asked with a gentle voice.

“Yes, I know. I will show you!” Claire replied, and they both went to the woods. Father Thomas dug a hole beside the old tree and put the journal inside. As soon as he put it into the ground, a mysterious energy pulled it inside, and the journal disappeared.

Father Thomas was taken aback, but soon he found his balance. “Our work is done!” Father Thomas said, relieved.

As they were driving back to the city, Father Thomas asked Claire, “I wonder why Azazel targeted you! And wanted to use you! Do you have any idea why you dreamt about him?"

“Yes, father! I think I know why he targeted me. Several years ago, one of my friends was attacked by a witch. Her name is Emily. She didn’t know what to do. I helped her break the spell!” Claire said with a sigh.

“Emily is a lucky friend to have you!” Father Thomas said, eager to know more. “So, tell me more about her.”

“Emily disappeared about three days ago! Recently, we found a trace. That night, when I found Jeremiel’s journal, I was looking for Emily in the woods!” Claire said, slowly remembering the pain she endured. “I gave the police the witch’s information. I told the police she might have something to do with her disappearance. I think she might have asked Azazel to target me!”

“We have to go back to the woods,” Father Thomas said, turning around and driving back to the woods.

Father Thomas and Claire got back to the location of the old tree. It was slowly getting dark.

“Look! There is a small cottage nearby! Let’s go explore it,” Father Thomas said, and without looking back, he led the way to the cottage. Claire followed him.

The cottage was old and creaked. They went inside, and they saw Emily sitting on a chair.

“I’ve been here for several days without food! I’m hungry!” Emily said hunger was apparent in her eyes.

“I have some biscuits in my pocket,” Father Thomas said, and he gave the biscuits to Emily. She devoured the biscuits.

“Let’s go! It’s getting dark out here,” Claire said, helping Emily stand up.

“Wait! What? Oh, I can’t come with you!” Emily said, staring into Father Thomas’ eyes.

“What? Why not?” Father Thomas said, confused.

“I came here myself! No one kidnapped me! I had a dream that a voice whispered into my ear: You are going to die soon, but if you do as I say, you won’t die! He told me to come here and never get out!”

“Who is this witch? God will protect you; you have to put your fear aside. The fear is all in your head!” Father Thomas advised Emily to open her eyes.

Emily didn’t agree to come out of the cottage. Father Thomas talked to her for hours. And finally, she agreed to come out.

They arrived at the old tree. Emily was hesitant to cross that tree. Father Thomas and Claire helped Emily, and she crossed it, and nothing happened.

“See! It was all in your head!” Father Thomas said and helped Emily walk step by step.

They crossed the old tree.

“I feel light-headed, like something lifted from me!” Emily smiled and thanked Claire and Father Thomas for helping her overcome her fear.

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