A Sanctuary For Lost Souls

created with dreamlike art ai.

Nina sat in the back of the moving taxi, glancing at nothing particular through the window when the scene caught her eyes. There were at least a dozen women all dressed in long white gowns. They wore colorful flower wreaths on their hair. Two of the women hung flower baskets around their necks. As they swirled and sprinkled white dust and flowers in the air, the other women formed a circle and let out soft hums. Their voices were like sweet opera perforating the atmosphere. They began to raise their hands high.

Nina became enthralled. The scene felt weird yet so intriguing. The hums sent gentle strings of sensations through her body. It ignited her mood instantly. Nina had been feeling terrible all week. She was moving to a new town. She had just gotten a promotion at work. She would be the new supervisor for the construction her company was carrying out in the little suburban town. Nina felt sick to her stomach. She had just lost a pregnancy a month before and she felt like she didn’t own the right to be happy.

“What are they doing in those woods?” curious, Nina leaned towards the front seats.

“Oh, that’s a procession. Women who have lost their babies do this to sanctify and protect their souls. They believe the souls of their babies become angels who watch over them. After the procession, the grieving mother leaves her wreath. It is believed that the child takes it with them to the spirit world.” The driver yawned looking through his side mirror. He curved the steering and took a left turn. “We are here,” he announced.

Nina leaned back, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. That evening after unpacking some of her stuff, she decided to take a stroll. She walked down the path where she had seen the women earlier that day. Nina stepped off the main road and into the forest path. She saw a sign that read, sanctuary for lost souls. On the forest floor was a wreath. Nina picked it up.

The leaves began to sway from side to side. She started to hear soft hums. It was like the trees were singing. Just then, a little boy came out from deep in the woods and tried to snatch the wreath from Nina. “Tell them not to cut down the trees.” The boy looked into Nina’s brown eyes before he ran off. Everything happened so fast but Nina noticed the boy wore only a white cape.

“Hey wait!” Nina quickly ran after him but it was like he just disappeared. The humming and swaying stopped. Nina strolled back home feeling a way she couldn’t explain.

The next day at work, one of Nina’s contractors handed her a file. “The local community has authorized us to get wood from this forest,” he said. The name on the paper was sanctuary of lost souls. Nina felt cold as memories of the little boy washed through her.

“Is everything alright ma’am?” the contractor asked.
“Umm,” Nina nodded.

That night, Nina She sat on her front porch holding the wreath in her hand. She couldn’t stop thinking about the boy, the wreath, and the forest all day. She began to look around, the night was cold and gentle. Then she noticed little footprints. Nina followed them. They led her back to the sanctuary of lost souls.

Nina saw the little boy she had seen the day before. He appeared to be sulking in a corner. His white cape had dirt on it.

“Hey, little one. Is everything okay? What are you doing out here all alone?” The boy looked up. His face was as bright as the moon.

“You have my halo with you. Without it, I cannot join my friends there.” He pointed towards the forest and the leaves began to sway again accompanied by humming sounds.

Nina didn’t understand what the little boy meant but she took out the wreath and handed it over to the child. The boy placed the wreath on his head. Like magic, the wreath transformed into a halo. It let out a soft glow.

The boy began to walk deep into the forest. The humming in the air deepened. Nina quickly followed. “Wait! What did you mean when you said, ‘tell them not to cut down the trees?”

The boy turned to look at Nina. His eyes were also glistening now and his cape had become crisp white. “ All of this is our home,” he replied. “She lives here too. I'll show you.”

The boy turned. He walked to the front of a big sequoia tree and stood there. The trunk suddenly began to path open before Nina's very eyes. Lights began emanating from the trunk. When the trunk was completely split, it revealed the most breathtaking scene Nina had ever seen.

Inside was a mass of sheen-like sunlight. The light was blinding. Nina saw dozens of children and babies with white wings flying around. They all had white capes and bright halos floating above their heads.

One of the babies came to where Nina stood and hovered around her. She flew to Nina's face and looked into her eyes. Instantly Nina felt a deep longing in her. The kind she had felt when she lost her pregnancy. Right there, she recognized the little angel in front of her. The baby left a soft kiss on Nina's cheek. She then hovered back into the trunk.

Nina stood there watching her until the tree trunk closed. She must have frozen for moments unending. She wanted to remain there and relive the moment forever. Nina sat on the forest floor in silence. She felt peace and conviction. Peace she had never felt before and conviction that she would protect the forest no matter what it takes.

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