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Alpha Luna's way.




“No, I'm not coming!”

“But you promised!”

“When on earth did I say that? Put yourself in place, omega!”

The loud warning growl from the background was enough to tell me that my twin wasn't alone; of course, her so-called mate would be next to her like her second shadow.

“Know how you talk to my mate-.”

"Baby, it's okay; she didn't mean it that way.” Of course I meant it another way. I rolled my eyes, already agitated.

“Then why are you crying?” her mate asked with concern in his voice, followed by her sniffing.

Feels the guilt already; not only was I left on the other side of the line like I don't exist, but I had successfully made my twin cry.

It's been what? 7 years—how time flies. I should be used to being alone by now, which I am, but sometimes I wish I wasn't. 5 years ago, I took over my father's park, the Black Shadow of the West. I was the first female alpha to run a park in my blood line. Never in the history of time has such an occurrence happened. My father was bent on making me the alpha of the park.

Decades, or should I say centuries, never has there been a female who took such a roll as an Alpha of a Pack, and not to mention put all the male alphas to shame in combat. I was good not to brag, but I was the best version of what some alphas wish they were. My park was feared, and so was I. I didn't need anyone's alliance when they all came to me for it. My park was strong; we were bigger werewolves when we shifted, and that put all our enemies to great disadvantage. Rogue feared our territory, so they stayed clear of us.

Wild beast

But all these were never my dreams; if only my parents had gone wolf on each other and had another child, maybe, just maybe I wouldn't be in this position, but they can't because if they did, then we would lose mom, and I couldn't afford that, not over some selfish desire. Being a twin, I was born an alpha while my sister was an omega. We knew after our first shift that werewolf pups shift after they turn 10, and let's just say my first shift into a full wolf wasn't a wonderful experience. wild beast, as I like to call my wolf, was abnormally huge for my pup size. According to my father, never had he seen a female alpha with all the features of a dominant alpha. My furs were jet-black, and my eyes were as red and ferocious as a wild beast.

My sister was just an omega with white fur like the bright side of the moon and ocean blue eyes. She was beautiful.

We were very identical in our human form, but still very different.

Being the dormant one, I rarely smile. I had a scowl almost permanent on my face, and I was withdrawn from the world, at least not around my twin. I liked to be alone because my mood swings and my personality were almost alike; I could go from being so mad while throwing tantrums to being so quiet like a ghost; you won't even notice me there. But my sister was absolutely the opposite. She was kind and talkative, while I wasn't. She laughs so much that it sometimes annoys me.

But all that changed when we turned 18, the era to find our soulmates for eternity. Of course, Moona found her mate at first sight; he was an alpha of a neighboring park, so she had to move out to become their Luna, while me, who's name was Luna, had to stay as the alpha of my park. It gives me a good laugh when I think of it. Of course, my parents just had to name me Luna.

The weird part is that when my beta wants to address me, he calls me Alpha Luna, like I have two titles.

And you know the saddest part: I always wanted to be someone else's Luna, a supporter, the second in command, not the command itself.

“Just make your way here; I really need you to be by myself for the surprise I have to reveal, okay?” Forgetting, I was on a call with my mind wandering off to god knows where.

I sighed, already exhausted by the conversation. “Sure.” was all I could respond to.

“Thank you, Alpha Luna.”

“Now don't you ever, even in your afterlife, call me that, you mutt.”

“In your dreams, woodpecker!” And the line dies with her laughter. And that brought a small smile to my face. I love my sister a lot, but I'd rather die than say those words to her; she would taunt and annoy me for the rest of my life if I so much as said them to her. I was frowning at the idea because it was ruining my mood already.

“Alpha, do you wish to cancel all your schedules for next week?” My beta asked almost immediately, bringing my focus to him.

“Yes, please do that,” I sighed, already thinking of the throbbing headache making its way to my foresight. “If I don't regret this, then thanks to you, goddess,” I say, pinching the bridge between my noses.

Next week came too fast for my liking, and goddess, do I just want to be one with my bed? Lately, I have been feeling anxious, and wild beast wasn't making it easy for me either. After leading the pack warriors for a morning run, we did our morning training, and I was off to my sister's park, knowing I could not get away from this one even if I wanted to.

Moona’s new pack wasn't as big as my pack, but her home was welcoming; its scent of pie and homelike aura never fails to calm my wolf, but I could feel my twin was struggling. Since she got mated to Alpha Nathaniel, they have been hoping to the goddess for children. Moona had called me several times only to cry about not having a child of her own, which was weird because she was an omega. Those beings just need a few actions here and there, and you have a colony. It's the alpha females that find it hard to birth children; if an alpha female is able to give birth to two pups, she has done the entire pack a favor. Though I try my best to comfort her, even if I'm not used to saying comforting or affectionate stuff to people,.

But imagine my surprise when I got to my sister and her mate's home, only to see her round with pups, and that wasn't the shocking part; there were at least six heartbeats in there.

"Oh, don't give me that look; it seems like cats finally caught your tongue.” My sister was busy laughing her soul out while her mate carefully held her, helping her down the stairs.

I think I looked like a dolphin, with my mouth hanging out widely open.

“Why didn't you tell me?”

“Of course, Luna, you were picking up my calls every time I called.” She rolled her eyes, picking an apple from the fruit basket as her mate helped her settle down on the couch.

Guilt was rushing in like wild, hot lava. I felt ashamed and immediately looked away. I should have known about such good news if I had picked up most of her calls, but I ignored it, thinking she wanted to burst my ears with gossip from her pack.

“I'm sorr-”

"Oh, shut up," I said, startled. I turned to look at her to check if she was angry. “I know you were busy, Luna, and I know I could be disturbing at times. I wonder how you even keep up with me sometimes with your reserved nature; I can't keep up with me sometimes." She smiles softly. “And we didn't want to give anybody any kind of hope if we were not sure that the pups were here to stay.” Alpha Nathaniel chime in.

My gaze quickly landed on Nathaniel for the first time.

"Yes, and that too.” I moved my eyes to my twin, who had almost finished the fruit on the fruit basket I brought. If I knew about this, I would've come prepared. I looked at my sister's mate. He looked happy, smiling fondly at my sister as she devoured the entire fruit basket. They looked happy, and I wish I had something similar to what they had. But I was happy for them.

“Hey little rugrat! Where are my niece and nephew?. A very deep voice coming from the front porch alerted us.

My sleeping wolf was fully alert, rubbing on my walls to come out. It knew this person was an alpha, but that wasn't what caught its attention. It's the scent coming out of this stranger outside—a wet forest scent with a strong scent of coffee—that assaulted my nose. His phenomenon made me dizzy, and the wild beast wanted to come out.

"Oh, shut up, Alex, and get in.” Nathaniel snorted, helping the stranger in.

"Oh, what do we have here?" I thought my sister had the most beautiful ocean blue eyes, but Alex was far better with his Caribbean blue eyes that stared into the deepest part of his soul. It felt like he was seeing all of me at once.




Was all that came out of both our mouths? I could tell Alex was a powerful alpha; he oozed so much dominant aura that my wolf had to submit. Talk about being surprised. I think I was laughing while my eyes were teary. Who would've thought that a day would come where my wolf would submit to someone else? What can I say? It's a ah ah moment indeed, not once but twice. I couldn't stop laughing while I held my mate, feeling complete at last.

It turns out that Alexander was Nathaniel's best friend, the Alpha of Alphas, which explains why my wolf was able to submit to him so fast. Cursing myself for not knowing he was the Alpha of Alphas, my Beta was right when he said I was only interested in my pack and nothing else; maybe it won't have taken so long for me to have known of his existence. From the corner of my eye, I could see my twin a sobbing mess because she was happy for me.

I can't tell what lies in our future; maybe we could merge our packs some day, and just maybe I might just be his Luna, not Alpha Luna.