The ink well fiction prompt #127/ We Keep the past in the past.

Miriam always loves to sit by the window whenever she travels just to be able to catch up with the fun of viewing things from the bus, and also the cool ventilation from the window keeps her refreshed until the end of the journey.

She sits this time to catch up with all these but her brain couldn't pick anything from the outside her heart ache, her brain thinks nothing, and her eyes couldn't visualize reality.


The window that is meant to be transparent eventually became a reflector. She looked out the window but all she could see was the reflection of what had happened before she boarded that bus back to her hometown.

This journey is one of the most blank journeys she has ever done as nothing seems to amaze her the song she played via her earpiece seemed not to even pass any message as her ears couldn't send any meaningful message to her brain. The only thing that kept her going on this trip is just the ventilation that comes from the window. Her head bang with the memory of these words.

" Please, go, I can't do this anymore. I have had enough of you. " she watched the horrible moment just like she is watching a home video from the window glass.

From the boyfriend who promised her heaven on earth.

She watched as tears rolled down her eyes. The reflection disappeared when someone interrupted her. She quickly wiped the tears from her eyes. But he noticed and that was why he called to her attention.

You have not said a word since we started this trip. You only stirred at the window with tears rolling down your eyes. Whatever the problem is, I bet you can snap out of it.

My girlfriend just broke up with me, I have loved her all my life but it seems all I have done has gone in vain. But I have to move on. He expressed to her, Miriam was pleased to know that she sat close to someone with a similar problem.

I also am in the same situation as you. She altered a word which gave her a slight relief. Who on earth will break such a beautiful lady's heart? That guy must be insane, the young man mentioned putting a little smile on Miriam's face, now you look even more beautiful, he added when she smiled again.

Trust me they will miss us and they will come looking for us but then it will be too late.

Just learn to move on, that is all I can advise. Let the past be in the past, don't bring them into the present except if they have a positive impact on the present but not leave them behind.

Those words gave Miriam life and in less than 3 hours of the breakup, she was already on her feet as the lovely guy made her journey smooth as they shared the ugly experience making fun of them. Again the window became transparent and she began to see the outside world and the rest of the journey was lit up as the old memory was completely wiped off her head even before she got to her final destination.

Immediately she got home she picked up her diary and wrote these words.

"Don't bring the past into the present except if they have a positive impact on the present but if not let it be in the past" She smiled and hoped to meet this guy again.

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