The ink well writing challenge /Season 2 week 5/ The sad zombie/ El zombie triste by @gilliatt


Source Erikawittlieb Pixabay

The sad zombie

The following story that I bring to you next, is not just any story, nor is it that typical terrifying story of zombies that devour people alive, although in it they do. It is more about the story of one of them, of the one who was the most romantic, graceful and happy of them all, it is about Eliecer, if this zombie has a name.

It all started that Sunday morning, he had come from spending the most wonderful evening of his entire life, with the most beautiful and intelligent girl in the university. It was their second date and after a beautiful dinner in a cabin rented by a friend (it was what his pocket allowed), but she did not care, she just wanted to be with him, and he with her, they knew they had found your soul mate.

They met entering the university, he looked at her, walking towards him, chased by the gaze of every student who saw her, since her large brown eyes, and a body that seemed drawn by Aphrodite herself, were not very common in a university where for a strange reason they were all white or redheaded, and when she passed in front of him, he ignored her while thinking: "if I do the same as the others, the result will be the same", so he turned to his locker and He continued looking, who knows what, while that pretty girl passed by the hallway dragging her gaze from every student who saw her, even some of the girls were attracted to her.

After that, she fell in love with him, she thought: why everyone except him? What will this "Nerd" believe? He wondered, and so some days passed until she approached him saying: "I'm Natasha" and he just answered: "Let's have dinner, I want to meet you."
So he took her at sunset to a nearby cabin belonging to his friend Leonel, who rent him the place, for just a few coins, although for him, after all the money is just an accessory, something without importance.


Fuente Ottogarcia Pixabay

After that first dinner they understood that they were for each other, so they met again in that same cabin the next day, they had dinner the same as the night before, and he accompanied her to her residence, there they said goodbye with a simple kiss on the cheek, when suddenly, she returned, throwing herself into his arms and bringing her lips together in a kiss that took him out of this world, fleeing again into the room, leaving him there, prey to a crush on the soul, of all his being.

He continued on his way to his residence on the other side of campus, with a smile drawn on his face, that whoever saw him would think he was under the influence of some hallucinogen of those that consumes our youth, for not knowing the true pleasures of life .

That night he could not sleep, the next day they would have that guided visit to the library of the capitol, and when they left, she would be his, everything was already written, and his innocence was drawn in his mind, losing himself in youthful love, with the most beautiful that his eyes had seen and his thoughts never dreamed of.

Dawn early, (although Eliecer thought that the night would never end), he put on his best outfit, and went to the bus, there he saw her again, she was with some companions, but he did not see anyone else, he greeted her shyly and went when she kissed him, in front of everyone, which showed him that what he felt was true, and even more true that that night would be his.

They got on the bus and she sat next to him, she felt her body glued to hers, she began to tremble and she could no longer speak, she was only thinking about that night, when they would finally be one, the perfect night "just her and me".

Thus they reached the heart of that capital of the country, they got off in complete silence, in perfect order, the lady who would be their guide received them very kindly and began to tell the story of that old building.

It was then that everything happened, a terrible explosion was heard in the distance and then we saw how his last companions in the line were attacked by a stampede of people who came as possessed by something absolutely diabolical, and began to eat them alive, eating their brains and guts, in a creepy way, were Zombies.

Faced with the situation, the few students who had managed to enter stood behind the door and began to fight with those beings who had a strength far superior to them, although after much struggling they managed to close it.

From the window they could see how a worker devoured the friendly guide, while they tried to regain their calm and think, how they were going to survive that situation. Leonel took the initiative and tried to put things in order, he said that he had been there before and that he knew the place well, that they should stay together, until they went to save them.


Source 27707 Pixabay

It was not until that moment that he thought of her, he saw her lying in a corner trembling with fear, he approached, she ran towards him, hugged him and begged him to protect her, not to allow anything to happen to her, at that moment he did the noblest oath that any mortal had ever taken; "I swear to you in the name of love, which was born between the two of us, that I will never allow anything to happen to you and that we will leave here, together forever." From that moment they just had to wait for things to calm down outside, since surely the government would get them out of there.

That night they began to feel a knock on the door, and they began to push it in a way that, in an instant Eliecer knew they would soon be able to enter, so he told Natasha that they should find a safe place, where to take shelter in case they managed to knock down the door.

He took it away in silence, while some survivors were positioning themselves behind the door preventing it from giving way. They entered the old library just at the moment when the old wooden portal fell and a second battle to survive began and they were almost entering, but in the last moment of closing the door, he saw a very familiar zombie pounce on him, It was Leonel, his only friend from the university, so he took longer to respond, to react, although in the end he managed to shake him off by hitting him with an old piece of wood from one of the tables. After that he entered closing the iron door of that old room behind him, there he understood everything, he knew that his great love, his date, and the plans of his whole life were vanishing in a second; Leonel had bitten him.

After that, he clung to her hoping that for some miraculous effect, the transformation would not occur, but it did not happen, suddenly Eliecer stared at Natasha, with a look that began to dim, she saw how his beautiful eyes green that he liked so much, they became glassy and he began to see her differently. He was not scared, he only thought that if that was the way to surrender to him, to his great love, he would do it convinced that in the other life, he would meet his soul mate, and it would only be part of the past, that what they would have to live in that instant in which he, instead of devouring her with caresses and kisses, would do it in the most horrendous way that he could have imagined.

So one, two, five minutes passed, and Eliecer only saw Natasha, in a way that instead of terror, only gave a feeling of peace, it was as if all the sadness in the world had been concentrated on that being, who no longer He was human, barely breathing, and for some reason, just watching her silently.

Thus the night passed, in the most absolute silence, early, the zombies that had broken down the door, and devoured their companions, when observing the scene and as if they had understood the deep love that those two beings had, they did not even try to penetrate That old grille, they just left.

That was the first time he moved, got up, opened the gate and closed it behind him again, disappeared through the old wooden door, after a while he returned with some food and some blankets for Natasha, entered and after closing the door behind him, and give him what he had brought, he sat down to watch her, Natasha did not know how far that being could love her, how that feeling managed to transcend the force of that cursed plague, and continue to care for her even after death.

So some days passed, where Natasha, already on the verge of going crazy at that situation, took that first aid box and at the same time swallowed all the medicines that she had inside. He did not react, he only saw her die, he took her body in his arms and leaned back from that old library, to watch, in silence, while his body was consumed at the same time as hers.

At the end of it all, when the holocaust survivors got the cure for that plague, and entered that old library, they only found those old bones, embraced, in absolute silence.



I can't go through here without thanking the unconditional support I have received from @blocktrades, @ocdb @ilych @cervantes through @sancho.panza and @fridakahlo @literatos, and of course the #theinkwell community, #hivemexico, #talentclub, That drive me to be better every day.



Fuente Erikawittlieb Pixabay

El zombie triste

La siguiente historia que les traigo a continuación, no es cualquier historia, tampoco es esa típica historia terrorífica de zombies que devoran viva a la gente, aunque en ella si lo hagan. Se trata mas bien de la historia de uno de ellos, del que fuera el mas romántico, agraciado y feliz de todos ellos, se trata de Eliecer, si este zombie tiene un nombre.

Todo comenzó aquella mañana del domingo, venia de pasar la velada mas maravillosa de toda su vida, con la chica mas hermosa e inteligente de la universidad. Era su segunda cita y después de una bella cena en una cabaña alquilada por un amigo(era lo que le permitía su bolsillo), pero que a ella no le importaba, solo quería estar con el, y el con ella, supieron que habían encontrado a su alma gemela.

Se conocieron entrando a la universidad, él la miro, caminando hacia el, perseguida por la mirada de cuanto estudiante la viera, ya que sus grandes ojos color café, y un cuerpo que parecía dibujado por la mismísima Afrodita, no eran muy comunes en una universidad donde por una extraña razón todos eran blancos o pelirrojos, y cuando ella pasó frente a el, este la ignoro mientras pensaba:" si hago lo mismo que los demás, el resultado sera el mismo", así que se volteó a su casillero y continuo buscando, quien sabe que cosa, mientras aquella linda chica pasaba por el pasillo arrastrando la mirada de cuanto estudiante le veía, incluso algunas de las chicas se sintieron atraídas por ella.

Después de eso, ella quedó prendada de el, pensó: ¿por qué todos menos el? Que se creerá este "Nerd". Se preguntaba, y así pasaron algunos días hasta que ella lo abordó diciéndole: "soy Natasha" y el sin mas le respondió: "cenemos, quiero conocerte". Así que la llevo al atardecer a una cabaña cercana de su amigo Leonel, el cual le presto el lugar, por apenas unas pocas monedas, aunque para el, después de todo, el dinero es solo un accesorio, algo sin importancia.


Fuente Ottogarcia Pixabay

Después de aquella primera cena comprendieron que eran el uno para el otro, así que volvieron a verse en esa misma cabaña al día siguiente, volvieron a cenar lo mismo de la noche anterior, y él la acompañó hasta su residencia, ahí se despidieron con un simple beso en la mejilla, cuando de pronto, ella se devolvió, lanzándose en sus brazos y juntando sus labios en un beso que lo sacó de plano de este mundo, huyendo nuevamente hasta dentro de la habitación, dejándole allí, presa de un enamoramiento del alma, de todo su ser. Siguió su camino hasta su residencia al otro lado del campus, con una sonrisa dibujada en su rostro, que quien lo vio, pensaría que estaba bajo los efectos de algún alucinógeno de esos que consume nuestra juventud, por no conocer los verdaderos placeres de la vida.

Esa noche no podía dormir, al día siguiente tendrían esa visita guiada a la biblioteca del capitolio, y al salir, ella seria suya, ya todo estaba escrito, y en su mente se dibujaba su inocencia perdiéndose en el amor juvenil, con la criatura mas bella que sus ojos habían visto y sus pensamientos soñado jamás.

Amaneció pronto, (aunque Eliecer pensaba que la noche nunca acabaría), se puso su mejor atuendo, y se dirigió al autobús, allí la volvió a ver, estaba con algunas compañeras, pero el no vio a nadie mas, la saludo tímidamente y fue cuando ella lo beso, delante de todos, lo que le demostró que era cierto lo que sentía, y mas cierto aun que aquella noche seria suya.

Subieron al autobús y ella se sentó a su lado, sintió su cuerpo pegado al suyo, comenzó a temblar y ya no pudo hablar, solo pensaba en aquella noche, en que por fin serian uno solo, noche perfecta "solos ella y yo".

Así llegaron al corazón de aquella capital del país, se bajaron en completo silencio, en perfecto orden, la señora que seria su guía los recibió muy amablemente y comenzó a contar la historia de aquella vieja edificación.

Fue entonces cuando todo ocurrió, se escucho a lo lejos una terrible explosión y seguidamente vimos como sus últimos compañeros de la fila fueron atacados por una estampida de gente que venia como poseída por algo absolutamente diabólico, y comenzaron a devorarlos vivos, comiendo sus sesos y vísceras, de manera espeluznante, eran Zombies. Ante la situación, los pocos estudiantes que habían logrado entrar se colocaron detrás de la puerta y comenzaron a luchar con aquellos seres que tenían una fuerza muy superior a ellos, aunque después de mucho forcejear lograron cerrarla.

Desde la ventana pudieron ver como un obrero devoraba a la amable guía, mientras trataban de recobrar la calma y pensar, como iban a sobrevivir a aquella situación. Leonel tomó la iniciativa y trató de ordenar las cosas, dijo que ya había estado allí antes y que conocía bien el lugar, que debían permanecer unidos, hasta que fueran a salvarlos.


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No fue hasta ese momento que pensó en ella, la vio tirada en un rincón temblando de miedo, se acercó, esta corrió hacia el, lo abrazó y le rogó que la protegiera, que no permitiera que nada le pasara, en ese momento el hizo el juramento mas noble que ningún mortal había hecho jamás; "te juro en nombre del amor, que ha nacido entre los dos, que jamás permitiré que nada te pase y que saldremos de aquí, juntos para siempre". Desde ese momento solo debían esperar a que las cosas se calmaran afuera, ya que, seguramente el gobierno los sacaría de ahí.

Esa noche comenzaron a sentir golpes en la puerta, y comenzaron a empujarla de una manera que, en un instante Eliecer supo que pronto lograrían entrar, así que le dijo a Natasha que debían buscar un sitio seguro, donde resguardarse en caso de que lograran derribar la puerta.

El se la llevo en silencio, mientras algunos sobrevivientes se iban colocando detrás de la puerta evitando que esta cediera. Entraron a la vieja biblioteca justo en el momento en que caía el viejo portal de madera y comenzaba una segunda batalla por sobrevivir y ya casi entraban, pero en el ultimo instante de cerrar la puerta, vio como se abalanzaba sobre el un zombie muy familiar, era Leonel, su único amigo de la universidad, por eso tardó mas en responder, en reaccionar, aunque al final logró quitárselo de encima golpeándolo con un viejo trozo de madera de una de las mesas. Después de eso entro cerrando la puerta de hierro de aquel viejo salón detrás de el, ahí lo comprendió todo, supo que su gran amor, su cita, y los planes de toda su vida se desvanecían en un segundo; Leonel lo había mordido.

Después de eso, el se aferró a ella esperando que por algún efecto milagroso, no ocurriera la transformación, pero no fue así, de pronto Eliecer se quedo viendo fijamente a Natasha, con una mirada que comenzaba a opacarse, ella vio como sus hermosos ojos verdes que tanto le gustaban, se ponían vidriosos y el comenzaba a verla de otra manera. No se asustó, solo pensó que si esa era la forma de entregarse a el, a su gran amor, lo haría convencida de que en la otra vida, se reencontraría con su alma gemela, y solo seria parte del pasado, que aquello que tendrían que vivir en ese instante en el cual el, en vez de devorarla con caricias y besos, lo haría de la manera mas horrenda que podía haberse imaginado.

Así transcurrió uno, dos, cinco minutos, y Eliecer solo veía a Natasha, de una manera que en vez de terror, solo daba una sensación de paz, era como si toda la tristeza del mundo se hubiera concentrado en aquel ser, que ya no era humano, que apenas respiraba y que por alguna razón, solo la observaba en silencio.

Así transcurrió la noche, en el mas absoluto silencio, temprano, los zombies que habían derribado la puerta, y devorado a sus compañeros, al observar la escena y como si hubieran comprendido el profundo amor que se tenían aquellos dos seres, ni siquiera intentaron traspasar aquella vieja reja, simplemente se marcharon.

Esa fue la primera vez que el se movió, se levanto, abrió la reja y volvió a cerrarla detrás de si, desapareció por la vieja puerta de madera, al rato volvió con algo de comida y algunas cobijas para Natasha, entró y después de cerrar la puerta detrás de el, y entregarle lo que había traído, se sentó a observarla, Natasha no sabia hasta donde podía aquel ser amarla, como aquel sentimiento logró trascender la fuerza de aquella plaga maldita, y seguir cuidándola aun después de muerto.

Así transcurrieron algunos días, donde Natasha, ya a punto de enloquecer ante aquella situación, tomo aquella caja de primeros auxilios y se tragó al mismo tiempo, todos los medicamentos que tenia en su interior. El no reaccionó, solo la vió morir, tomo su cuerpo entre sus brazos y se recostó de aquella vieja biblioteca, a observar, en silencio, mientras su cuerpo se consumía al mismo tiempo que el de ella.

Al final de todo, cuando los sobrevivientes del holocausto consiguieron la cura de aquella plaga, y entraron a aquella vieja biblioteca, solo encontraron aquellos viejos huesos, abrazados, en el mas absoluto silencio.



No puedo pasar por aqui sin agradecer el apoyo incondicional que he recibido de @blocktrades, @ocdb @ilych @cervantes a través de @sancho.panza y @fridakahlo @literatos, y por supuesto a la comunidad #theinkwell, #hivemexico, #talentclub. Que me impulsan a ser cada dia mejor.


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