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The 100th Customer.

"Hey bro, seems another girl fell in love with your profile. She accepted a date request I sent to her", Amina moved closer to Hassan who was busy on his laptop.

He pretended not to hear and continued with what he was doing.

"So you won't talk to me? I am the one who doesn't mind my business", Amina said angrily as she moved to another chair.

"It is not like that, I am done trying to find someone to love me for who I am. I want a natural attraction and not force myself on someone, I appreciate your concern for me sweetheart", Hassan replied but she was too angry to reply.

"Why aren't you answering me, is this a payback?", He asked but she still wouldn't answer.

"Okay, I will go on a date with the lady but after this, kindly delete the account you created for me on that platform. Will you tell me about her now?".

Amina smiled and picked up her phone to read the lady's profile.

"Her name is Happiness, she is 28 years of age...", Amina read out Happiness profile.

"I love her profile as well but I don't think she will fall for my look just like the previous girls", he replied.

"One last try won't hurt. I choose this weekend and that should be okay since it's you are free", Amina gave Hassan other details about the meeting.

His heart was racing as he drove into the restaurant.

He took out his phone and called Amina immediately after he parked.

"Amina, I don't feel cool about this. You know I love a quiet place in case things turn out bad".

"Everything will be fine and today might just be your lucky day", she replied.

He walked into the restaurant and noticed Happiness immediately he entered the place. She was the prettiest of all ladies in the restaurant and that made his heart raced more.

Hassan adjust his dress and walked up to her table.

"Hello, beautiful. Are you Happiness?", He asked with a gentle voice.

She accessed him from head to toe and said, "Yes".

"My name is Hassan, I am...".

"Don't tell me you are the person I came here to meet, this is just so unbelievable", she interrupted his introduction and walked out on him.

He felt embarrassed and gently sat as she walked out of the place.

"Will you place an order now sir", a female waitress asked Hassan who was lost in thought.

"Excuse me, sir", she tapped him on the shoulder.

, "Oh sorry, I was just leaving", Hassan pretended to have heard everything she said earlier.


"Our meals are great sir and you will enjoy them", she wore a great smile while persuading him.

"Really, it is my first time here but my guest left as expected and I lost my appetite", he replied.

"Sorry about that sir but you should still try something", she insisted.

"Okay, I don't want to sit alone so I will come back with my sister one of these days", he replied.

"That's great, I will be looking forward to that day or if you don't mind, my shift will be over in fifteen minutes and I can just keep your company while you eat", she replied Hassan.

Hassan looked around to be sure there wasn't more to the waiter's request.

"Are you sure about that?", He asked.

"Yes, but you have to buy the food before my shift ends", she replied.

He placed his order and was surprised at how she rushed to get the food.

She gently place the food on the table and requested for some time to sign out.

Hassan didn't understand what was happening and he waited for her as agreed.

"Okay, I am back", she announced her presence to Hassan.

"Welcome back", Hassan replied as he raised his head and was surprised to see a beautiful lady standing in front of him.

"Are you the waiter who just left here", he asked and she replied, "Yes"*.

"Is it okay we are sitting together, I mean won't your boss be angry?", He asked and she replied, "It's fine, today is my last day here. I took the job just to get things I needed for my National Youth Service Corp".

"So you are a graduate?", he asked.

"Yes, I am. The food is getting cold", she replied as she helped him uncover the food.

"I wasn't really hungry and bought the food because it seems so important to you that I bought the food", he replied.

"Yes, it was. I want to qualify for an incentive that requires me to serve 100 customers in a week and you are my 100th customer. My name is Peace ", she replied.

"My bad, I should have asked earlier. You have a beautiful name and I am Hassan", he replied.

They both ate the meal, exchanged contacts, and went their separate ways. It was one of the best times for Hassan, having someone outside his family to talk to doesn't happen often and he kept smiling as he drove back home.

"How was it?", Amina asked as she opened the door for Hassan.

"It was the same reaction. She was pissed and walked away", he replied.

She felt disappointed and apologized for making him go on another date.

The two were seeing a movie later that night when Hassan's phone rang.

"Hey, Peace", he said as soon as he picked up.

"Hi, Hassan", she replied.

"I didn't know you will call again, I am sorry to have thought that way", Hassan apologized.

"It's alright, I just wanted to say thank you for today. My incentive was paid a few minutes ago, God bless you abundantly", she replied.

"That's no problem and how much is the incentive you are talking about?", Hassan asked.

"It's $20 and it means a lot to me", she replied.

The conversation went on for a while and Amina became curious about who he was talking to.

"You said the date didn't go well, who was that?", Amina asked.

"She is a friend, that's all", he replied.

Hassan and Peace kept calling and chatting from time to time. Their friendship grew tighter and Hassan's family could see some changes in him.

"You remember I will be traveling tomorrow?", Peace asked on call as she rounded up her conversation with Hassan.

"Yes, I want us to go out before you leave but I don't want to push my luck too far", Hassan replied.

"Are you serious? I wish to hang out with you since I am not sure I will return until after a year".

Peace's response made him happy and he jumped into the shower immediately after fixing a location.

He arrived there earlier and waited patiently for her, Hassan was happy the moment he saw her.

Hassan ordered wine and the two began talking about their lives.

"Can I ask you something? It has been bothering me for a while", She asked.

"Ask me anything", he replied.

"What happened to your face?", She asked.

"I thought you didn't notice all this while, it happened after graduation. I had an accident and my face was badly damaged which is why I look like a monster", he smiled.

Peace held his hand and replied, "You don't look like a monster, you are beautiful just the way you are".

Tears dropped from his eyes and she quickly hugged him.

"You can have this money for your upkeep, I will keep in touch with you", Hassan handed her an envelope.

She collected it and hugged him again.

"I am going to miss you, Hassan", she whispered to his ears.

"I will miss you too, dear", he replied.

He offered to drop her at home and she agreed.

"Thank you for the ride", Peace thanked him immediately after they arrived home.

She alighted from the car and as she was about to shut the door, she paused to look at Hassan again before waving goodbye.

Peace left and Hassan rushed out of the vehicle.

"Peace, please hold on", he called.

She returned and he held her hand.

"I have been thinking if we could work things out, can you be my girlfriend?", Hassan asked with a trembling voice.

She smiled and hugged him before replying, "I thought you won't ask. You make me happy as a friend and taking our friendship further will make me happier".

They kissed and went their ways...
