Resilient Hearts.

Kenny kept pacing around the bedroom as she wondered where her best friend could be. She checked her phone again for Bimbo's response to her WhatsApp message, but nothing was there.

"Could she be in trouble? This is unusual of Bimbo not to reply to messages or pick up my call," Kenny muttered as she sank into the single-seater sofa in her bedroom.

"Kenny, dinner is ready. I made your favorite meal to celebrate your result," Mrs. Adewale, Kenny's mother said to her daughter after barging into her bedroom.

"Okay, mom. I will join you later," Kenney replied.

"You don't sound good, what's the matter?" Mrs. Adewale asked.

"It's Bimbo, she has been unreachable since she went to check her result. She won't reply to my messages or pick up my call," Kenny muttered, and her eyes were filled with tears.

"C'mon, is that why you are sad? Today is supposed to be one of your happiest days, so don't let anything ruin your mood. Let me set the dining," Mrs. Adewale replied as she patted her daughter on the back before leaving the bedroom.

She paused at the door and stared at her daughter for a few seconds.

"She is not happy," Mrs. Adewale thought and she sighed heavily.

"Have you tried reaching out to any of her family members?" Mrs. Adewale asked she as she stepped back into the room.

"No, mom. I didn't," Kenny replied.

"Please do that now, let me know if she's okay. I hope everything is fine," Mrs. Adewale stuttered.

Kenny picked up her phone and called Bimbo's elder brother.

"Good evening, brother Lekan. Please is Bimbo at home?" Kenny asked immediately Lekan picked up the call.

"Oh, Kenny. Thank God you called," Lekan replied.

"Is everything alright, sir?" Kenny asked.

"She hasn't told you what happened?" Lekan asked.

"No, she didn't. I have been trying to reach her since noon but she hasn't replied," Kenny replied.

"Oh! Bimbo actually didn't score up to the cutoff mark and she has been crying since morning," Lekan replied.

"That's impossible, we studied together for the exam and I passed so why wouldn't she pass too?" Kenny stuttered.

"She's just one mark away from the cutoff mark. I should probably bring her over maybe it would cheer her up," Lekan added.

"Don't worry, sir. I will come over there now," Kenny replied and ended the call immediately.

"Mom, can I pack my meal and some time at Bimbo's place? You know she would do the same for me," Kenny said to her mom.

"Yes, you can. I will drive you there since it's getting late already," She replied.

Bimbo and Kenny are childhood friends and many people called them twin even though they had nothing in common with their physical appearance.

Their friendship started with rivalry in primary school but they became inseparable after competing so much against each other for grades. Bimbo happens to be the most intelligent of the girls and always tops the class, while Kenny ends up in the second spot every year.

The girls attended the same junior high and high school, which made them bond very well, but their intention to study at the same university seems like something impossible.

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"Mom, you can go back now. Thanks for the ride," Kenny said to her mom immediately after they arrived at Bimbo's residence.

"Okay darling, please take care of yourself. Let me know when you are ready to leave," Mrs. Adewale replied, and Kenny alighted from the car. She waved at her mom again as she reversed the car back onto the road.

Lekan came to get the door for Kenny, and they both went to Bimbo's room immediately.

Kenny was devastated to see her best friend wallow in tears. Bimbo is very playful, strong, and always wears a smile no matter what the situation, but seeing her in such a sad state made Kenny understand that her best friend was really sad.

"Bimbo, sorry about your result. You should have told me to come over," Kenny said as she kneeled beside her friend.

Kenny's eyes were filled with tears as well, but she tried not to cry because it would only worsen things.

"You know how hard I prepared for the exam," Bimbo stuttered.

"Yes, I was shocked too when brother Lekan told me about your result. It got me really worried," Kenny replied.

"I saw your message but couldn't reply to it. I was sad because we will be apart now since I won't get into the university this year. I felt heartbroken." Bimbo stuttered and burst into tears.

She wept uncontrollably, and Lekan left the room immediately because he hates to see his only sibling sad. He wished there was something he could do, but the situation was beyond him.

Kenny burst into tears as well, and she hugged Bimbo as they cried.

"Do you remember the first day we fought in primary school because you scored better than me in the English test?" Kenny stuttered and paused for a few seconds.

"I felt like breaking your head, but here we are today," she added.

"Don't bring back those ugly memories; they don't matter now since you are leaving me behind," Bimbo muttered.

"I can wait an extra year for you," Kenny replied.

"Are you okay? Why would you do that?" Bimbo replied.

"I don't want to spend a day at the university without you as well," Kenny replied, and the girls broke into tears again.

"No, you should go. This is our destiny, and we don't know what the future holds for us," Bimbo stuttered.

It was a sad night for the two friends who slept off crying while holding each other's hands.

"Let's go play basketball," Kenny suggested when they woke up the next morning.

"I am not in the mood," Bimbo replied.

"I will leave in less than a month and just want to create beautiful memories with you all through," Kenny replied.

"Honestly, I am not in the mood. I can't get over the result thing," Bimbo replied.

"Really? Just follow me there," Kenny replied.

"Okay, I will. Don't persuade me to play when we get there," Bimbo replied.

The two friends prepared and left the house immediately. Aside from being intelligent students, Bimbo and Kenny were good basketball players.

They have played as teammates for over 7 years, and they inspire each other on the court.

Upon their arrival at the court, Bimbo just watched, and Kenny didn't persuade her. They did lots of things together after, but Kenny didn't succeed in making Bimbo happy.

Weeks passed, and it was time for Kenny to resume at the university.

The girls spent the whole day before the resumption together, and Bimbo helped Kenny pack even though she was very sad.

"I will miss you," Bimbo stuttered after they were done packing.

"I will miss you more," Kenny replied.

"Don't worry, one year will pass in a jiffy, and we will be together in the same school again," Kenny replied. They hugged each other again as tears rolled down their cheeks.

They spent the night together, and Bimbo even accompanied Kenny to the motor park with Mrs. Adewale.

Bimbo spent days in her bedroom, and Kenny's call was the only thing that made her feel good, so she decided to join Kenny in school.

"That's a good idea, you can attend classes to even learn ahead. Let's talk to our parents about it," Kenny replied.

The girls spoke to their families about it, and they agreed to let them stay together in school. They were very excited, and Kenny was happy to have Bimbo around.

Every weekend, they played basketball together, and exactly three weeks later, the school basketball coach approached Bimbo.

"You are very good in defense and might be the solution to my team problem" Coach Peller said to Bimbo.

"Thanks for the compliment, sir. I would have loved to be part of your team with Kenny, but I am not a student yet," Bimbo replied.

"How? I don't understand," Coach Peller asked.

"Actually, Kenny is the student here. She is my best friend and the reason why I am here," Bimbo narrated her story, and coach Peller was touched.

"If you will agree to be on my team, I can pull strings, but you will have to write an internal exam just to prove that you are qualified," Coach Peller replied.

Bimbo was excited and quickly broke the news to Kenny, who reached out to Coach Peller to thank him.

Kenny helped Bimbo prepare well, and she succeeded with the examination. She was advised by the school authority to catch up with everything her classmates had done in class immediately she was given admission into the university.

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