Inkwell Fast And Furious Festival Day 2 - Setting

Welcome to day 2 of the "Inkwell Fast And Furious Festival".

We were provided with four tasks and the assignment was to choose as many as we wanted to answer. Below are two tasks I chose -

Task 2
Choose a painting by an artist - this can be a favorite of yours or a well-known artist from where you live. Now imagine a living room inspired by that painting, and show the room after a couple has had the worst fight of their relationship.

My choice of painting is selected from the works of coffee from pixababy

My response

Zayn moved helplessly from the kitchen to the living room. Like a sheep without a Shepherd, he continually missed his steps as he approached the once beautiful carpet at the entrance, now laid gray on every end. He shrugged past the large wooden dining table which now had visible cracks on it, as he leaped to sit on one of the brown cushions that laid adjacent to each other.

With a feeling of uneasiness, he moved to sit on the mid-height African table usually found in the center of the living room. That seemed to be a more comfortable spot since he had the worst nightmare of his life. Trying to adjust himself for a proper sit, his eyes met the flower that was uprooted from its vase, on the day he fought with her.

He leaned a little downwards to pick it up as it seemed to be the only ornament giving color to the square sized room. With Both legs crossed on the table, Zayn held the flower slightly above his head as he looked at the large television that once gave supporting light to the living room. Voices of two lovers arguing about a TV show popped into his head but at that time, he could only look at the remote sitting hopelessly on the electronic cabinet, longing for its owner to have it dusted.

He looked at the once brightly colored pillows, now laying pale in his eyes. His tears could only tell. He made a look across their shelves of toys, more dust had engulfed it. And another to the left, he found cobwebs swinging as the red curtains flipped a little open by the breeze.

The wooden window creaked open for a little light to fall on the room. That was the first time in days that he had seen the room look alive again. But just a little of life. He could see the acrylic paintings give away it's shine and the chandeliers looking for a reason to shine. He gave a deep sigh, with a tear deciding in his heart to have things fixed up between himself and his wife.

Task Four
Write notes for a story setting inspired by the image.

Image from Tri Le on pixabay

My response:

It had been raining heavily for a couple of days and during this time, nobody dared leave their abode for some chills and fun. Except for the office workers who were needed for their jobs. It was the holidays as well and thus no kid could be seen playing on the streets as advised by their parents. All one could see was motor bikes and motorists in their numbers, waiting to make daily bread off their passengers.

This day, I took a bold step. Without a shield, I walked down the street, looking at the abandoned houses, a memory of the violent protests that had happened brought a distasteful feeling to my stomach and I had thoughts off our neighborhood becoming peaceful again when the summer comes.

That's all for day two. It took me roughly 40minutes to write.

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