Unanswered questions- Theinkwell fiction prompt #115

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Annie sat on her bed in her room munching on a pack of chips and slurping on a strawberry drink. Her room was a wonderful site tobehold, her bed and pillows were covered with plain pink duvets with floral prints on it. Her family portrait and some of her pictures were hanged on the white painted wall, the floor was tiled and had a small black rug placed in the middle, her bathroom and wardrobe door had stickers of different cartoon figures on it. She had stacks of different collection of comics and novels arranged neatly on her book shelf. She was watching a Netflix movie “Darby and the dead”, on her laptop when she felt a vibration in her jean pocket.

"1682794641273.jpg" https://pixabay.com/nl/photos/laptop-netflix-amusement-films-7025354/

She reached for her phone and met an unfamiliar number on the screen, she answered the call and heard the callers voice, it was a young guy, his voice sounded unfamiliar too.

“Hello, am i onto Annie Perkins ??? The caller asked.

“Yes, whom am i speaking to ?

“Annie, it's Tom smith from high school do you remember me ??

“Tom !!! Of course i remember you”, Annie exclaimed in excitement.

How could she forget the only person that comforted her when she was being picked on in high school, he was the only true friend she confided in, she told him most of her problems then and he always had a solution to it.

“ How are you Tom ?? I thought you've forgotten about me after that incident.

“ I didn't Annie, I have been thinking about you throughout these years and how you must be feeling after what happened four years ago. I have been feeling guilty, I have been battling with my conscience, I didn't mean for things to turn out the way it did. I had been looking for ways to contact you before I came across a friend's post on facebook, she posted your picture on her story and I asked her to give me your contact.

Annie wasn't sure where his long talk was heading to but she waited for him to make a point.

“Annie.... I am very sorry, I didn't do on purpose” Tom's voice was shaking as he spoke. I am responsible for what happened to you four years ago, I posted that embarrassing video of you. I did it because the popular kids asked me to, they promised to add me to their group if I did, they used me to get to you and I wasn't even added to any group. I was a big fool for trusting them,they are the reason I got expelled from school, am so so-rry sor-ry he stammered and hung up.

Annie was shocked, she couldn't believe it.

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Tom !!?? Of all the people in the world. But why was he telling her now after all these years, after she has moved on with her life. The incident that nearly ruined her mental health, after the video was uploaded the entire school was picking on her, they made fun of her and threw stuffs at her. She recalled how she rushed back home crying and begging her parents to take her out of the city, although the school authorities promised to expell the students involved but she still insisted on leaving the country. Her parents agreed to it as she was the only child they had and her mental health was at stake.

She got up from the bed and went into the bathroom to check herself in the mirror. She loosed the band holding her long black silky hair and it fell on her shoulders almost reaching her waistline, she had medium size brown eyes with pink soft lips. She washed her face in the sink and felt her skin, She had smooth skin too with a pointed nose, she was pretty !! So what was the problem, why were the kids always picking on her ?? It wasn't as if she was fat or chubby, she was slim fit. All these thoughts raced through her head as she admired her beauty in the mirror.

She went back to the room and picked her phone and dialed Toms number but it wasn't connecting, he blocked her, she used her second line and dialed it again it rang a little and said the number didn't exist.She still had questions for him, she wanted to ask him about her few friends back then in school. She lost their numbers after the incident, she realized that she still misses them after four years of being apart even though they didn't have the best behavior and they didn't bother to check up on her throughout these years.

“I shouldn't have answered that call, it only brought back unwanted memories and unanswered questions”, she said to herself.

She tried to push the memories, thoughts and questions away and continue her life. She had better friends now, friends she could rely on, her neighbors were nice and peaceful and the best part was that nobody was picking on her.

The End.

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