The mess I created for myself- The Ink Well Fiction Prompt #111

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I had always been a prankster in middle school and all of my pranks were not serious, totally harmless and a mere joke. I got detention, school chores and or an activity as a punishment for my pranks.
I wanted to pull an epic prank,an unforgettable prank that was going to make me king of pranks. After the first period was over, the second teacher came in I excused myself to use my bathroom, but i wasn't really going to the bathroom. I went to the room where the major fire alarm was kept,we had other fire alarms in the school but this one was major, this alarm signifies that a fire was very heavy and could possibly destroy everything in the school and possibly everything. I pulled the alarm without thinking about the consequences of my action, all i was thinking about was how i was going to be the king of pranks after this.

   Few seconds after i pulled the alarm, the entire school was in a terrible state, the security men came in immediately and started taking everyone outside, the fire service was contacted. When everybody was outside, my teacher started looking for me, “Chris, where's chris?, He went to the bathroom not long ago, has anyone seen him ? 

“Am here, teacher”, i said.
“Thank goodness !! Everyone's safe, who pulled the fire alarm ? She asked

Nobody answered, she asked for the second time nobody talked. I was about to tell them it was a prank when the principal said “ we should involve the police to know how the fire started and who pulled the alarm”.
“ Already did, said the sports master, they're on their way.
The police !!! , the fire people were here already now the police. I was shaking terribly, my heart was pounding, my head was heavy as if a heavy rock was placed on it, " what was i thinking pulling such a dangerous act, what if someone got hurt ? Look at the mess i got myself into, i was going to be expelled this time, i didn't know what to do, i decided to say a short prayer and own up to my actions.
I told everyone the truth and begged them to stop the police from coming here.
“i didn't call the police, i only said that cause i know the culprit was going to talk once the police was mentioned”, said the sports master. My breathing returned back to normal, i apologized to everybody and the fire service left. Everything returned back to normal.

 Thankfully i wasn't expelled, but i was suspended for a week as nobody or anything was hurt or damaged, i was told to come with my parents after the suspension. Well i definitely pulled an unforgettable prank, all i know is that am never pranking again. Never !!!!.

Thanks for reading my story and i hope you'll like it.

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