An idea to improve Tomás' financial situation

Public domain image by Pixabay

A while ago Tomas was in front of the computer watching a programming course, he was somewhat impatient, perhaps for many reasons, he was paying attention to what he was seeing, but in the back of his mind was sailing a thought of concern regarding the unknown that may be his future, if he does not find stability in what he does.

Tomas would look at his cell phone to see his notifications on his social networks, sometimes they are notifications that are not even the most important to him, but nevertheless he sees them, and among so many things that are displayed by sliding his finger across the screen, he procrastinates.

How terrifying! Tomas thought, to be aware of what is happening to him, but he ignores and forgets his reality for a while, he stops thinking and the time passes so quickly, and then he returns to the same point.

What am I doing? - He wonders - he returns to his programming course, but realizes that he is in lesson 08 of 37, but what does it matter? Why so much impatience? Do I have to be forced to do this in the shortest possible time? No, that's not the way things are.... -He says to himself-.

Tomas' situation is a bit difficult, he only earns $80 a month with the advantage that he only goes to his workplace on Tuesdays and Fridays, he had worked with two freelance companies but they never called him back to use his services and maybe that's why he feels a bit frustrated since then, he feels that trying to learn new things will help him to find new opportunities and that's a true fact, many people around him have done it and are in a better situation than him.

But why does he always have this feeling of urgency? Because he feels that he is going to run out of time in everything he wants to do, it is something that sometimes depresses Tomás.

He likes his job as a designer and wants to exploit it in some way, but there is something he doesn't know about it that imprisons him, something he can't quite explain.

One night he was with his mother in the dining room, about to go to sleep, they were talking and remembering the beautiful times when they took courses at the school of fine arts in their city, it was something that they simply found pleasant, a happy stage of their lives, Tomas remembered that in his days at school he used to contemplate portraits in chiaroscuro, landscapes and sculptures that he liked to see with great satisfaction, but what really fascinated him were some paintings full of shapes and figures somewhat meaningless, but with beautiful colors and impressive shades, where he could not fail to see the thousand and one details that could be seen on closer inspection, that kind of art left him intrigued.

Do you remember the name of that kind of art, mother?

Yes, it is abstract, I mean, what do I mean by "abstract", that if two people see the same painting, for one it can mean something different from what the other thinks or says, I think it is like that," said Tomás' mother, while looking at the phone.

Tomas for a moment began to think and analyze carefully what he could do to improve his economic situation with something that really made him happy, and if he looked for a budget in terms of paints, wooden frames and fabrics and all the other materials that are needed to start making canvases and thus create artistic pieces, he could do it! Why not? There are many people who love it and would give anything to have paintings in that style (abstract) on the walls of their homes, it would be a great project, I would make the effort to promote it everywhere, there are not many in this city who do something like that, or well, do not know anyone who has been encouraged to do so.

It is something that can materialize, and later he would try to connect everything he knows about programming and design to his passion as an artist, he doesn't know how yet, but he is sure he can make it happen.

When this kind of ideas come to Tomás, it is very difficult for him to put them aside, it is very important for him to make it happen, even with the disadvantages and responsibilities he has, he knows that he will achieve it sooner rather than later, he can accomplish his goals. Courage Tomás!

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