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Peace At Last// The Inkwell Writing Prompt

Debby, a 49 year old woman sat in the inner room, she could hear clearly what the other women were saying about her.

"It's been 19 years since she got married, there's no baby to show off her fruitfulness," Mrs. Ajayi said.

"I only hope she hasn't sold her womb out" the other woman answered as they both burst into laughter. Debby was tired of crying, she had been married for 19 years without a child, all the women who had married in the same period as her now have 3 children and those who married some years after had either a child or were pregnant. The doctor had confirmed her fit and advised her to remain calm and that everything will be fine, but it's 19 years and still no child. She was afraid of walking in the street because both older and younger women mocked her openly. Giving birth was a woman's way of gaining honor in the Afata tribe.

Her husband Mustafa was understanding, he had gone to school and understood some factors could delay pregnancy.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine, if it's not the will of God for us to bear a child we could as well adopt one". He said

"God forbid" she retorted " what do you want the women of this town to call me?A barren woman? I'll bear my own child" she replied. Mustafa never failed to encourage her each time she was depressed from the thoughts of not having a child.

"Don't worry yourself, God will bless us with a child at the appointed time" he'll say even though the thought of it was heavy in his heart.


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One morning, Debby locked herself in the inner chamber and cried. She wasn't in the mood to eat nor talk to anyone, she had a lot of questions she wanted to ask her maker regarding her predicament.

"Why only me?" Was the words that escaped her lips as she sobbed bitterly. She cried that morning through evening, the burden and shame was too heavy for her to bear, even though her husband wasn't complaining, she wasn't comfortable with being barren, she wanted to prove to the women living next door that she was fertile.

A gentle tap woke her up "get up eat something" he said. She drowsily opened her eyes and saw her husband standing next to her.

"Please get up and eat something," he repeated. Sluggishly she stood up and headed to the kitchen. Three months later, her neighbors outside were gossiping about her as usual when she ran past them and threw up. They were surprised, "could she be pregnant?" Mrs. Ajayi asked the other woman who stared at Debby with her eyes wide open.

"I don't think so, it could be malaria," she said. They remained quiet the rest of day wondering if what they suspected was true. A few months after, Debby's belly was protruding for everyone to see she was pregnant, Debby didn't hide her joy, she walked around the town with no shame anymore. After nine months of her pregnancy, she gave birth to triplets and gave them names in her tribe which meant "God did multiple wonders at a time".

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