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The People That Matter

In Spencer James' voice
"It has been a minute"

For moment there I thought I lost my ink. Having my ink stop flowing is something I have experienced over the last year. Sometimes I just sit and I'm blank but eventually the words come together and my ink flows again but for the past week, I couldn't seem to find it.
But here I am writing this now, so I guess the flow is back.

That is the key word here. I didn't have to put much thought into it to know what has made a difference in my life.
Many of you that were outspoken in primary and secondary school would have said these words a number of times, "I would like to give honor to whom honor is due."
So first and foremost, my parents. There is my Mum and then there is my Dad. You combine them and the product is a catastrophe. If you have met my older brother, you would understand better.
That aside, I don't think I would be how I am today if my mother didn't use her invisible screwdriver to tighten the loose nuts in my brain or if my father didn't push work so hard to make my life so much better. I would have turned out so much differently, perhaps a person that I would wake up and hate every second of the day.

Speaking of which, I woke up this morning and everything was just perfect. The weather was perfect for two and I had my pillow so like I said perfect. I knew there was food waiting for me in the kitchen, no classes today and the best part was that my annoying neighbor's generator stopped working yesterday night so peace and tranquility was all I felt.
Then I realized something was missing, I missed Hive, I missed writing.

This past year, Hive has really made a difference. I have always been better at communicating through my screen so when I joined the community I thought it would just be about writing, I didn't know the number of people I would meet through this platform, people that have made my boring life slightly more interesting.
I have been doing the whole sentimental thing for these past words I have written but now, it's time for the real tale…..

You meet a lot of people during your cycle of life, some stop, stay a little and then eventually hop on the train out if it. Some stay longer, make a difference and might stick around much longer.
I used to think I knew what category @chincoculbert fell into but I'm not sure anymore.
I met him long before I knew Hive existed. I was a scared year one fresher and he was like a God sent. I can't ever forget the first time he gave me a tour around the campus, trying hopelessly to convince me that he had dimples just like me.
He failed, might I add. But he didn't manage to show me that the transition wasn't going to be as hard as I thought but it would be, that right there was making a difference.
A few months ago, I told him I didn't ever want to be strangers but I guess life is taking its toll.
If you do read this, just know that I really do miss you.

With the word, missing coming into play. I met @kingsleyy right here on Inkwell. I have his number saved as with two love emojis on my phone in case he was wondering. For a while back, we would talk and for the first time, the conversation was different. It wasn't the usual *Heys and How are yous or those endless conversations that eventually amount to nothing. These conversations were meaningful but because my mother wasn't there to tighten those loose screws, I let it fade away. I don't know if I can fix it but I know that I want to try because "Some of the best relationships starts with people you have never seen in person. It just happens and they become a major part in your story."

Online and relationships brings me to @jhymi.
Me to my inner self, We love Tessa right?
The answer? Yes we do.
I have two words to describe her, Beautifully Chaotic. It started with the endless comments, bantering and dragging, then we found ourselves on Discord and eventually WhatsApp, where the real chaos is.
Most people might not be so lucky to find people that get them, share similar interests and are unlimitedly crazy like them, which is why I'm so glad to have found Tessa. I text her and she makes a difference in my boring life by making me laugh like I'm insane.
I'm pretty sure people on the outside will see me and think another guy is probably lying to her and she is falling for it but that can't happen because Tessa and I are Single Pringles
When I mention Tessa, I have to talk about @deraaa and @wongi. I don't know them so well but one thing is for certain, if I do ever meet them, the like would be instant.

I didn't want to mention him but it's inevitable. I'm talking about the people that have made a difference in life and there wouldn't be a life anymore if he hadn't been the hero without a cape. So @nelson-george my favorite big brother, please note the sarcasm there, I just want to let you know that I still don't like you but I'm glad you are still here so we can have conversation starters like, "Big brother did you know—" and you can frown and beg me to just leave you alone.

Then there is @vivaebony. There shouldn't be a lot of words, you are a pain in my existence and also the love of my life. I don't know how it works but then it does. It's quite unfortunate that we have had to spend six years for a four year course but those six years might not have been the best but you made it better the moment you walked into my life.

I don't know how true this is but I was told if you call people's names, they start sneezing wherever they are so I will let these people rest.
I'm much happier. I used to think that being alone was okay but in the end, I need people, I need my people. Those ones that have made a really huge difference because in the end, what's the point of life if you have to live it all alone?