Two Men Mission

Luke Miller

Two Men Mission
I have been investigating how to capture these hoodlums and the thieves who have been terrorizing my community. My community is not safe and no one knows where they are coming from. Catching them would be my mission. I have to link up with my friend, Damien, who must go with me on the mission. My friend was initially not interested, but after seeing the way people were losing their items in the community, he decided to join forces with me. It was a silent mission that must be fulfilled. “The thieves must be caught unaware or else we will be in deep soup”, Damian said, giving assurance of forming a team.

“Since they always come at night, we will also go to them at night, but we must ensure to know their hideout”, I said.

“I think I have a plan”, Damian said, giving total details of how and what to be used. He continues his explanation, “We will be needing something to serve as a beacon. This will make us signify where we are since we are going to move separately “,

“How come I never thought of this? This is an excellent idea. We can use this to deceive the thieves just to ambush them”, I suggested.

“Don't you think we should call Nat to go with us?” Damian said, placing some kind of trust in Nat.
Nat has been our good friend, but he has once jilted us. This made me lose some trust in him.

“Damian, I think we are good to go instead of including someone else on our team”, I said, having a displeasing mind against Nat.

“But he has been a good friend”, Damian was about to argue further, but I applied a little wisdom by making him agree to my words.
“We might lose track if we are more than two, but with the two of us, no one would be able to suspect something fishing”, Damian concurred. “Please, we need not tell anyone our plans, or else, it would turn out to be a waste of time”, I added as I was sensing some behaviour in Damian's character. “Alright, he responded.

Meanwhile, we planned to leave for the mission in the next two days. Damian stylishly went to Nat and narrated all we had discussed to him, knowing fully well that I had warned him not to discuss this with anyone. I got to know after seeing the action Damian puts up when he saw me coming. He was seating with Nat, but immediately adjusted and kept quiet as they sighted me coming. I could not say a word and instead remained mute and talked normally to the two of them.

“Are you going somewhere the day after tomorrow?” Nat asked me as I kept gazing at Damian. Damian felt ashamed as Nat asked, mentioning a day after tomorrow. This means my hunch was correct.

“Somewhere? Uhm… no, but why asking?” I asked. “Nothing, I just wanted us to meet at the usual place”, Nat answered after thinking of what to say to get my lips to slip off.

I must not go that day as planned because I do not trust Nat. Even the one I trusted so much has let me down. Who else would I call to go with me? I can't seem to be one-man police, or else, I would not know what would happen next.

“Please, I'm sorry, I do not know when it slips from my lips. I'm going to be secretive this time around”, Damian tried to apologize.

“I have seen you to be more than those words that slip off from you. You should learn how to keep secrets. Your attitude does not surprise me. I think I need to do it alone”, I said, trying to get more details of what they had discussed.

“That's the only thing we discussed”, Damian said.

“I will let you know when it's time to take a move”, I said.

Two days later, Damian called if we were going, but instead, I told him we should hang out together as said by Nat. We stayed until dawn, and those hoodlums and the thieves came visiting when we had gone out.

Four days later, I called Damian to come over when it was midnight. We left for the hoodlums and thieves. We sat somewhere observing, and I asked Damian to move south while I went north. After much touring, I found nothing.

As I was coming back, I saw a beacon light, just as I had arranged with Damian. “This must be Damian's beaconing, I had to rush down to him", After getting closer, I felt a strange cold showing something bad was about to happen.
I took a halt as the light was blinking too fast. “This is not how we said it should be, the blinking is coming too fast. It was supposed to be just thrice”, I said, in dissatisfied thought.

“You are going nowhere until your friend arrives”, the thieves said to Damian, after wrapping his mouth with clothes to deprive him of shouting.

I tiptoed until I got to where the light was coming from. I don't know what I could do to put them on the run, leaving Damian behind. After much thought, I got a solution. I looked around and saw a small nylon. “Yes, this is what I wanted”, I said quietly. Before inflating the nylon, ready to burst it ,I heard a voice just like Nat's voice. I observed critically and saw Nat splashing the light just to deceive me.
“I said it, Nat is not someone to be trusted”, I said to myself.

I ignored my plans and went directly to them, “Halt everyone, if you move I will move you. Drop your weapons”, I said after observing no one was seeing me as it was a thick night. They all dropped their weapons, and before I count one, they disappeared, leaving Damian behind.

“Wait a minute, were you with a gun?” Damian asked.
“I only scared them out without a gun. Come to think of it, Nat was the one with them right?"
“He was the one who caught me before his counterpart arrived”, Damian said.
“He is a traitor and had been the one tormenting the whole community, he needs to be brought to book”, I said to Damian as we went home and succeeded with our plans.

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