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The Hard Nut


Hard Nut

Alina had to accept who she was and how people saw her to be as she has been trying to make everyone understand her kind of nature but invariably, people still doubt her so much. Can they still turn back to accept her kind of person?

She started a new life immediately after she got out of school, as her father was transferred to a new location. She has been the only one for her father and to be sincere, everyone has seen her as someone who cannot mingle with people just because of her nature. The only person who can vouch for her is her father. She has a nice heart but her look was scary making people want to get away from her.

She was opportune to be in the midst of some set of people where Dan was just observing her. He was at a distance from her but yet kept on observing Alina just to know who she was. After critical observations, he finds out that Alina is a soft-hearted soul who can never harm a fly.

Everyone had been saying bad things about her just because she could not talk too much. Her condition and look were never like this. She was so nice when it comes to facial appearance, but got this very look as a result of what she experienced right under her nose.

Dan had to get close to her and told her plainly "please, can I be your friend?"

It was a thing of surprise to her as no one had ever said something like this to her. She replied to Dan:

"Aren't you scared of me just like others?"

Dan was so confident just because of what he had observed in Alina. You are not carrying a masquerade neither are you a lion but a saint who no one can ever understand. I have studied you and your appearance and seen a sad side of you that I want to hear and also have seen the most simple being on earth deep inside of you. You are not scary but are just the simplest and easy going girl ever.

Ok, if you say so, I will accept your offer. I'm ready to be your friend. Happy? Alina responded ….

Indeed I'm deeply happy and the happiest being on earth. What else can I accept except your friendship? I'm the jovial type who everyone loves being around but would love to be with you instead of hanging around with those who always need something from me. Dan said calmly.

I have seen everyone running away from you, but I saw something just like a deep wound deep inside of you. So, can you tell me what it is that has been bothering you? Dan asked.

Alina paused for some minutes as it was only her dad who knew about her nature and no one else.

Ok, if you want to know I will tell you. The fact remains that you have felt something deep for me and have accepted me the way I'm instead of acting the same way people or others were acting.

Ok… My family had always lived happily and had always given to people around our reach. My mum was a nice fellow who had a heart of gold. She has been the talk of the arena. Everyone loves her kindness. So many people always say "you took after your mum when she was still alive.

I saw life as so easy and simple. My dad was so lovely and even up till now. I went to the shopping mall with my mum one fateful day and it was a weekend to be precise. We took public transport and I was so excited about what she got for me. She bought me what I wanted as a child of age 13. It was a nice trip but the unexpected happened when we were coming back from the mall. The bus we boarded had an accident which cost the lives of all the passengers excluding me. It was so pathetic to see how everyone was lying dead as well including my mum. Ever since then, I have always remained quiet and everyone has always seen me as a scary being. This has not been my nature but the opposite. When each day passes by, I always have reasons to remember my mum and those who were lying dead.

Now I'm nineteen and have all the rights to remain who I'm. There is no way I cannot remember my mum. Alina said quietly with drops of water rolling down her face.

This alone can make you sad. I'm so sorry. I truly felt for you. What a pathetic and sad story!!!. Dan said to Alina consoling her to remain strong-hearted.

It's hard to forget but just find it possible to remain happy. At least you have your dad and I will be there for you at all times to share your pains and happiness. Dan said again to Alina.

After this period, Dan made her look changed and she was always smiling leaving her sorrows behind.