My Good Friend

We were all dressed up waiting for Okon who was squatting, trying to tie his shoelaces. Finally, after over five minutes of tying up the shoelaces, we began our long walk to Five Hundred Capacity, the venue for our mock test which was located on the outskirts of the Uyo City of Akwa Ibom state, Eastern Nigeria. We prepared for the test very well and we prayed that our sleepless nights would yield good results. Okon is our roommate whom everyone knows to be late to every event and the worst part of his lifestyle is that he often forgets important items whenever he is late and rushes to meet up.


By the time we had walked half the distance to the exam center, Joel said, "I hope everyone is with their registration slip". Oh, my God!!!!!!! Okon exclaimed. Then I asked, "Okon, don't tell me you forgot your registration slip." We have walked a long distance and I don't think anyone would love to walk back to the dormitory with you." Though Okon was my tight gee, I had no choice but to only advise him to chin up and that he would meet up. I couldn't walk back with him. Anyone who had registered for the test needed to come with their registration slips as proof of studentship and registered candidates for the test.

Okon had no choice but to walk back to the dormitory alone as no one had the strength to walk back with him. He didn't feel bad that no one accompanied him, he rather saw it as punishment for his laziness to wake up early from bed and prepare rather than rushing to meet up. Okon was always the last to rise from bed but the first to sleep off even before lights out. The mock test was set to start by ten am. We arrived at half past eleven. This means we had only thirty minutes to rest from the walk and cool our brains for the test. We prayed for Okon to arrive before the exam officer arrived but to no avail. We were all called to form a queue. It seemed Okon just had bad luck that day, his serial number was #001, meaning he was supposed to be the first candidate in the queue. When he was called, no one answered and the exam officer skipped his turn to number #002.

We all entered the hall and sat with the desktops facing us. We were advised not to start until we were told so. Two minutes after the power supply was checked and made stable, all the desktops were checked to ensure a smooth computer-based test, and we were told to begin the test. I wasn't comfortable writing the test because of Okon's absence. I was sitting by the door side, so I could easily see anyone who came in or went out of the hall. While writing, I observed everyone passing the hall door. I finished answering all the questions and cross-checked several times waiting for Okon's arrival. As the test supervisors alerted everyone, "Thirty minutes remaining", I felt pity for my friend, Okon. This was the qualifying test for us. Anyone who failed the test was meant to repeat the year.

Despite Okon's preparation for the test, I knew he wouldn't make it with the time left and there wasn't any makeup test for those who missed the test. I was so down. Just before I wanted to submit, Okon barged into the hall with sweat drops falling off his face like waterfalls. He explained his situation to the exam officer who considered him and added an extra fifteen minutes to the thirty minutes left for him. I waited for him till my time was up and I had to submit and leave the hall. While outside, I overheard a lot of other candidates discussing the exam and sharing their answers. I didn't want to join them. I hated this act of sharing answers after tests because it often made me feel bad whenever I heard answers to questions I failed.

I sat on the veranda waiting for Okon who finally came out looking up to the sky as if someone was speaking to him. I stood up immediately and ran to him. "How did it go, my bro?" I asked Okon who just walked passed me without responding. I knew everything wasn't fine. I increased my pace and caught up with him. While we were walking back to the dormitory, I didn't want to ask him questions because I knew he wasn't in the mode, all he needed was a quiet time to chin up. Even when we finally arrived, took our baths and carried out other usual activities, I didn't talk to him.

I planned to meet him in the night when I believed he must have calmed down. Since my Mom sells provisions such as beverages, cereals and other baby care products, I always came to the dormitory with a lot of provisions which Okon often comes to get from me. Before I even met Okon as planned, he came to me. He didn't even talk about the test, he only requested some cubes of sugar and a sachet of chocolate to make a cereal meal for the night. After giving him what he requested, I then took the opportunity to talk to him. I asked him about the test and he told me everything. He told me that he wasn't sure he would make it. He described how unstable he was during the test and how the instability caused by the race from the dormitory to the exam hall made him forget some things he read.

I felt bad for him but I couldn't do anything in my power other than to advise him to "chin up" and wait for the results. I gave him the hope for a better result than some who wrote the test from the beginning to the end of the allotted time. He listened to me and at the end gave me a tight hug for always caring and standing by him. While days passed we prayed and anticipated a good result till it finally came out.

Thanks for reading my fiction story. I decided to use myself for the story though it's fiction. I hope you've enjoyed reading through the story. Thanks for checking up on my post.

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