The Warmth Of The Moon.

Gasp filled the air uncontrollably as choking sounds were heard. The World was in great despair and they knew why the feeling was present. With a silent cry, they wallow in self-despair.

Centuries ago, the world of humans took a different shape when hatred, vile thoughts, and all negativity in life took hold of their minds. Their heart was darker than charcoal and the light was lost in their sight even when a thousand stars brighten the sky. They were cursed! Cursed greatly by their ways. The Earth's creator, Mumba, tried to change their hearts. But...

"The hearts of men are evil and filled with venomous thoughts toward another."

With this, Mumba, heed to slumber and closed his eyes from the chaos humans will bring to themselves.

It has been said that;

Humans have the power to create things unheard of and... They did!

In the absence of Mumba, humans' hatred gave birth to a slimy-figured soul-sucking dark lord, Tefawa, who brought in his agents the more human hate grew toward one another.

Unknown to humans, their vile words and actions, fuel Tefawa, and gave it more form. With tons of legs, hands, and legs though curvy were strong as an elephant's stance.

In this form, Tafawa, chose a date in a month to purge humans by making them act out their vile thoughts. Every 20th of each month was chosen to let out the wrath upon men using their hate as a guide to where they will be on the said day.

Screams were heard the first time it started, killings and all other vile thoughts one can muster took hold of men as they feasted on each other like the presence of flies on a wound.


And when the day ended, flies filled the air as the sound of Vultures flapping their wings to fill their empty stomach was heard to claim what is left of the humans who were left soulless in the world.

For centuries, the wrath of Tefawa reigned on men with no atonement. Descendants took over where their ancestors stopped as the purge continued. It was a shameful act humans could not stop. Their hate has run deeper and created a monster they can't control and the more humans died, the more it grew.

Fear became a new element in humans' minds as It clouds their hearts toward what the next month's day may bring. And the presence of these fears woke Mumba from slumber to see how deranged the world is.

Days moved by slowly as Mumba sorted out ways to stop the world from going insane the month he was woken so he made a plan and took actions unknown to Tefawa, and his clan.

On the said date of the purge, Tefawa, sat on his throne to watch the pains of humans but was shocked at what he saw. This made him lose some pairs of hands and feet he had grown some months back.

In circled form were humans, each in their country looking toward the same thing up the sky. And what lies ahead was nothing new but something worth seeing and feeling;

"The Warmth Of The Moon".

It filled them with care and love that knew no bounds. The more the love in their heart grew, the more Tefawa lost its growth and his agents. With a roar! Tefawa stood up to fight and reclaim the heart of men and distractions were sent in humans' way but...

Mumba the creator of Earth wasn't asleep anymore and could see every move Tefawa made which he blocked swiftly with something soft and fluffy like candy which added more fragrance to the air and focused humans on the moon before them.

Hours, minutes, and seconds went by slowly but the moment before men stood still like the world was in a trance. And the more time flies, the more Tefawa lost his grip on men with his clan gone to dust before he finally squirmed to death.

The Moon served as a beacon of hope for humanity and the descendants of Earth took note of every warmth the moon gave them and shared it with others around them. They knew they won't be making the same mistakes their ancestors made as a story was made to be told to generations to come about what will happen if they lose the beacon of hope Mumba has given them.


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