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The Accuser of the breakthrough is the blind vision.

Mr Femi who work with the wagon construction company as an Assistant human resource manager in the central North.

In 1953,
Wagon construction company happens to be the most outstanding construction when it comes to road construction and in Estate Management, the are known as the best.
Femi being the Assistant Human resource manager was absolutely doing great with his family or do I say his entire household.
He was also the one in charge of the Finance sector.
He knows where and how the finance are being controlled,where it's stock.
Femi secured that sensitive position in the company because of his commitment and truthfulness.
His vision for the company made him committed and diligence in his duty though the turn out wasn't friendly.
I remember when Femi keep advising other workers that commitment and truthfulness pays to as an individual.
Femi will always quote from the holy book.,
That says, let the husbandman that laboured be the first partaker of the fruit.,Though it was exceedingly working out as he believes.
Wagon construction Company was a famous Company in the North East that comprises of workers but foreign and the Nigerian occupancy and Femi happens to be one of the Nigerian occupancy where the company was located.
Foreigners come in from different part of the world to work in Wagons.
Something Terrible happens in the community where the company was situated.
In lekahia community, umaki local government. Bakida State.
A minor crisis happen in the community that leads to a major one.
This fight increase to an extent of becoming a territorial fight that later becomes a scenario that scares the Company workers away especially the foreigners.unsplash

The Wagon company fold up finally when the community occupancy set the company ablaze, and the top officials killed, some seriously injured except for the community members who work there as staffs.
It was only the community members that were exempted from being killed or injured from the fight. Every other staffs that aren't indigent could not stand the fight or any second thought of picking their properties talk more of the company appliances.unsplash

Almost all the Indians were killed and some survive serious injuries while other lost their lives after been injured.
The senior HR was also killed in the process.
Many top officials were also killed while some just vanish away.
The company entrance was forbidden for decades.
Femi, being a community member.
Who has been working in the company before the crisis suddenly recalled when he saw the old key to the store the stock their hard currency 💲 of the company while on session.
Remembering very well that the company store was a fire proof and he was the only one who has the key to the stock, because he was trusted and committed to his service.
Femi remembering this, took him to the company with the old keys to the store.
On getting there,
The store was still seal and lock as it was since the fight for fifteen years.
Femi being an older person and a community member grant him access of knowing all the entrance and exit.
Femi open the first entrance to the store, then to the second door before the last which is the engine room.

To Femi greatest surprise,
Despite the fire outbreak and every other hazardous act,
All the company money were still intact.
In bags and in several briefcase.
Guess what,

Femi keep the secret and only told his son who conceal with him by keeping the secret,
Without anyone noticed apart from their two,
Femi secretly start searching for the foreigners who work with them that time to hand over or tell them about the money.
He search everywhere but to no avail,
The few ones he had contact with had far gone or killed during the war time.
Femi's believes was that the foreigners will compensate him or reward him awesomely but his fate fail him.
Femi finally reach out to one of the casual staff who later came back to the community for another project research.
Femi explained everything to the man and plan on how to get the funds out of the old company structure.
The foreigners came for an eye witness which he left with one briefcase and promise Femi to make further arrangements to move everything out of there.
Femi didn't take a dim from the store, rather he kept protecting.
He's son manage to escape with two briefcase after the foreign left, which lead to Femi disowning his only son.
Remember he had one male and two female.
Charles, Femi's son left the house after Femi denounced him not to be his son again.
Charles bitterly made a statement that if Father's were to be chosen,
He will never choose Femi in his next life.
After Femi lose his job,
There was nothing like retirement pension.
The family struggle to survive not until this came in as a breakthrough though Femi didn't take it to be so.

A day came when the foreigners fixed.
They foreigner came with helicopter and some arm force men for security reasons.
No body knew what happen in the community except his son.
Femi open the door and everything was pack out of the place,
No dim was remained. Charles came as a witness also though the foreigner never knew their disparity between him and his father.
After everything has been pack out and the were about to leave,
The foreigner stop by and made a statement to Femi that,
If he ever remains poor in this life,
It simply means he was destined for poverty and there's no two way about it., And he left without any remorse.
Charles shake hand with the man and left.unsplash

Femi sluggishly return back home late at night, when he realised that his faithfulness has failed him.

Femi was banished from his community when the elders call him to come and explained what the people came for which he couldn't speak out but Charles did.,And explained further the reason his father disowned him.
As we speak now,
Femi is still forbidden from entering his community for taking the community resources to an outsider.

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