Time for trains!


I suppose some of you use trains almost every day. Commuting by tram or train to work is comfortable, and less expensive than by bus or own car in some countries. It can also be funny if you have good company and the landscapes at some parts of the routes are so nice. I liked to travel by train to the city where I studied some decades ago. Also, we made some journeys just for leisure time by train. However, some months passed since my latest train ride. I usually drive to work or go by bus or bike.

That fact changed at the beginning of July when I spent a weekend with my nieces in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. We went to one concert and stayed for the second day to walk around in one fortress. It was a great time we had, but on Sunday afternoon we had to say goodbye to that city. We opted to take the train from Belgarde to Novi Sad, our next destination. The ticket for one person was around 3$, which is really cheap compared to the bus ticket price.


The station where we waited for our train was called Tosin Bunar, it is a part of New Belgrade. We had our accommodation close to it, so it was the most logical choice to wait there and not at the main station.



The day was warm, the sun decided to heat up the surface of our tiny planet... and there was no shade at the train station??? The benches had a small roof above them but it was not sufficient to make a good shelter from the heating sun. The trains were coming and going away, several ones passed before our train arrived. Well, it was our fault we arrived too early at the station.


I liked that old train which was decorated with graffiti. It came from the direction of the city of Novi Sad, but I didn't pay attention to where it headed after Belgrade. Also, a fast train called Soko passed, but it even didn't stop at this station. It goes from the main train station of Belgrade, and if you watch my video you will see it. It is the first train that I captured.


The train we travelled with was the last one that appears in the video, the red one, the same kind of train as in the photo below.



The interior of the train was ok too. Nothing special, not a luxurious one but it was comfortable and roomy. We paid for our tickets and then I got comfy in my seat...


Just a few things I saw during our ride, for example, this building in one of the towns. Many train stations look like this one, they were built more than a century ago, and when they are well preserved and reconstructed, they give a pleasant view to the passengers. But to be honest, I didn't see a lot of things... as what happened is that I fall asleep on the train (I had a slight migraine that I tried to fight with some painkillers) so the next thing to see was the station in Novi Sad when we arrived. šŸ˜‚



The station in that city is recently refurbished. It has two levels, waiting rooms and one huge hall downstairs. Seems that the seats in the hall are comfortable and inviting to take a small rest while you wait for your next train.



The last time (many, many years ago) when I travelled by train from Novi Sad I had to buy the ticket at the counter. Now it is simplified and you don't need to wait in line.


Some additional new things that are placed are the boards with information, about the railway, trains, bridges and train stations in this city and surroundings. How they were changed throughout the years and what it looks like nowadays.


Boards all around... Well, at least one is not bored while waiting. Plenty of information to read!

A railway worker's uniform is displayed in one of the showcases. I am pretty sure they still use this type of uniform.


The model of the train station, showcased:


I was curious, so I explored a bit around while we were waiting and found a balcony on the first floor. From there, you can enjoy the views of the city.


When the time came to go and the people we were waiting for arrived, we left the train station. Still, one more train crossed my paths, this old one. The clouds in the sky resemble the smoke coming from the chimney of the locomotive. Cool, isn't it?


So, when was the last time you travelled by train? What you have visited, who was your company and did you like it? Do you have a story to bring? I found this community Train Spotting as a perfect niche for a story around a journey made by train. Would you join in?


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