ANKARA-KARS - This journey is certain to be scenic and dream-inducing

What is the most liberating moment for a person? The road, or being on the road, is the answer for me. On the road, I experience the purest sort of liberty. Sitting by this train window, seeing the extraordinary landscape move before my eyes like a film strip; interacting with the passengers who share their longings and observing their lives...

Being alone, alone with myself, walking to myself and my loneliness... this is what it means to be free. That is why, for me, traveling by train is like discovering a new existence, a new cosmos.


For everyone of us, long train excursions have become a source of nostalgia. The Eastern Express, on the other hand, is a seasoned traveler who gladly shares all of Anatolia's splendor with you. This train took us from Kars to Ankara, and along the route, we dreamed.

Kars is our destination this time. We intended to combine a rail ride with our vacation to Kars, which we had taken by plane. We took the veteran, ancient Eastern Express for a portion of our journey back to Istanbul, up to Ankara.


Since I was a child, taking a long train journey has been a goal of mine. To accomplish my desire, I purchased my ticket in advance. With its iconic whistle and departing sound, our train departed from Kars Train Station at 08:00 a.m. I was ecstatic. The start of a 25-hour journey was announced.


Erzurum, Erzincan, Sivas, Kayseri, Krkkale, and ultimately Ankara were all clear stops. The conductor arrived shortly after we were ensconced in our sleeping compartment and examined our tickets. The parcel with the ironed piqué, pillowcase, and duvet cover was delivered by the conductor the second time he arrived. They were all spotless.

The conductor and other passengers had already maintained a cheerful and helpful tone throughout the journey. There is air conditioning in every train compartment. You have complete control over the temperature. We get tired of sitting and go to the dining car after a bit. Is it acceptable to take a long train travel without stopping for a dinner with spectacular views? Impossible.



We hear that the restaurant, which used to provide a variety of dishes ranging from breakfast to grill, is now only selling sandwich-style snacks, tea, and coffee. We were fortunate in that we were cautious. Before boarding the train, we went shopping. We'd be starving until morning if we didn't do something.

We don't even notice as the day passes us by on our lengthy train travel. We sit in front of the window with our tea or coffee in hand, daydreaming about snow sceneries. We pass through abandoned villages, snowy slopes, and streams on our way. Anatolia lavishly displays all of its splendors. In major cities, our train had 10-minute rests. Taking advantage of the breaks, we made sure to take a photo at the city's sign.


Most spots on the train have no internet or phone service. I recommend that you bring a book or magazine with you. You can spend hours playing games like okey and taboo if you go with your buddies, as I did.

The night on the Eastern Express has a unique and wonderful flavor. The sky is breathtaking. A surprise awaited us when the train arrived at Sivas. For security considerations, the gendarmerie has begun a thorough inspection of the train. The IDs are taken first, followed by the bags being opened. In the final stage, the dog is used to conduct a search. For everyone of us, the dog is the center of attention. He does not forget to make us love himself after completing his task.


Our eyes have never been exposed to a structureless environment for such a long time. I lost track of time in that triangular brightness. The only thing that gave me a sense of time in between were the poles that emerged next to the train on a regular basis, which I mistook for telephone poles.


Did I ever consider that poles might equate to the ticking of the clock when thinking about space and time? And, by the way, the train's regular "clicking" sounds will bring me back to reality when I'm out of my mind? So, while I was lost in the moment, in his own time, he was thinking about me.


The seasons then shifted as I became lost in time. The snow has become a steppe. Overlooking a lush river, the sun has set. It felt like we were transitioning from winter to spring. On the hour and minute hands, we were passing the time.



We retire to our rooms at 24.00 a.m., when everything becomes silent. We hear the train's sound in a different rhythm in this quiet. The sleepers are comfy, although the train wobbles a lot at night because it travels at a faster speed. We are awakened about 06:30 a.m. by the officials' words, "We are collecting the bedding." The sky is gradually becoming brighter. We've finally arrived at the conclusion of a 25-hour train ride.

(Text and Photos by me)

Thanks @LivingUKTaiwan for the lovely contest.

Thanks for reading, Have a great day!


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