[Live] Savage Corner - Live with @ecoinstant

Game (Category): Talk Show

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Welcome to Savage Corner!!

A fresh take on crypto, finance, and all things Hive. You're in my corner now.

Today we're pleased to welcome special guest @ecoinstant. Eco is involved in several top tribes on Hive, along with some interesting real-world ventures.
We expect this conversation to be a little wide-ranging, so buckle up! Join the chat on Vimm.tv for a chance to win regular support from Hive SBI...

Savage Corner is brought to you by Hive SBI. Hive SBI is about account-based curation, enabling you to sponsor account for consistent ongoing curation. This conversation is hosted in the Hive SBI discord. Join us in Discord if you're not able to connect to chat on Vimm!

Opinions expressed on Savage Corner are those of the host or guests and do not reflect official positions of Savage Corner, Savage Crypto, or Hive SBI. Opinions expressed are not a recommendation to buy or sell any security, token, or NFT. Do Your Own Research, consult your own financial advisors!

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This post was generated from a live stream on Vimm.tv
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