Cyberbuzz Radio LIVE with Crimsonclad - HIVE Governance, Voluntarism, and Big Ol Parties

Category: Radio Show

Click here to watch the live stream!

CyberBuzz Radio is a love affair with neon drenched disruptive tech and great synthwave music

I livestream every week with new music and artists to share, do Q&A about the Hive blockchain and beyond, with great discussions and dance parties around some of the changing aspects of our world, the crypto space, blockchain, and community. Have fun, learn a little, chat a lot, ponder whether or not we're all just replicants... what are you waiting for? Come join me in the neon~
We're just normal friends with abnormal everything else šŸ–¤


Talking a little bit about Hive governance, parties, voluntarism, and spinning a synthwave sountrack to match!
Bring your topics, Q&A and anything you might want to talk about on the Hive blockchain, synthwave, disuptive tech, crypto, and beyond~

I hope you have as much fun attending, participating in, or rewatching these Cyberbuzz Radio shows as I do creating them for you. šŸ–¤

If you have questions, comments, or a topic or project you want me to feature on the show, shoot me a message! The idea of a combination livestream/podcast/live radio show is a bit confusing, but I'm so proud of what we're creating. If you want to find more amazing shows by cool people from around the Hive blockchain community, check out all of the djs from @mspwaves and the full schedule at

Catch you out there in the flickering neon sometime?

šŸ’ø Send a tip to help me make more crazy stuff like this and to get a shout out/feature live on air. All earnings from these videos go directly to the artists, so Iā€™m powered solely by tips and copious amounts of
šŸ’ø Tip during a livestream for a shoutout live on air and help me make more content! You've got options~

This post was generated from a live stream on VIMM
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