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Category: Warhammer 40k - Rogue Trader

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** Hola!! Soy cR4Sh actualmente estamos jugando Warhammer 40000 - Rogue Trader,entre otros. Tambien nos mantenemos al tanto en relacion al conflicto OTAN vs Rusia, vemos UFC y "Made in abyss".
Venite a pasar el rato!**

Este es Michay, mi jefe, rescatado de la calle hoy lleva una vida mucho mejor.


Cualquier aporte que hagas sera destinado a solventar sus gastos

**Hello!! I'm cR4Sh we are currently playing Warhammer 40000 - Rogue Trader, but we also stay up to date regarding the NATO vs. Russia, some UFC fights and anime: Made in abyss".
Come to have fun!! **

This is Michay, my boss, rescued from the streets and today he leads a much better life.


Any contribution you make will be used to cover their expenses.

Feel free to say Hi! im not a big talker when im playing, but i do my best.
Thanks for being here!

This post was generated from a live stream on VIMM