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PhotoBomb challenge #198 - Entry #1



Bruno had been orphaned as a child and had spent a few years in an orphanage, until he was adopted by the village blacksmith, who was aging and needed help. In a few years Bruno learned the trade and although it was hard work, he became passionate about the craft, fascinated by being able to give any shape to the metal. So he inherited the business once the old blacksmith retired.


Bruno era rimasto orfano da bambino ed aveva passato qualche anno in orfanatrofio, fino a quando era stato adottato dal fabbro del villaggio, che invecchiando aveva bisogno di aiuto. In pochi anni Bruno imparò il mestiere e benchè fosse faticoso, prese ad appassionarsi al mestiere, affascinato dal poter dar qualunque forma al metallo. Quindi ereditò l'attività una volta che il vecchio fabbro si ritirò.