PhotoBomb challenge #197 - Entry #1



Akira was just 18 months old and he was already a little TV star. His parents had enrolled him in a program for talented children, and he had distinguished himself, although his specialty was not really talent. While other children excelled at an early age primarily in school or manual subjects, Akira was nicknamed a sugar-free child. If he was confronted with a sweet or any other food, he invariably refused the sweet. Even if the alternative was something as unappealing as a lemon or a bell pepper.


Akira aveva appena 18 mesi ed era già una piccola star televisiva. I suoi genitori l'avevano iscritto ad un programma per bambini talentuosi e lui si era distinto benchè la sua specialità non era un vero e proprio talento. Mentre gli altri bambini eccellevano precocemente principalmente in materie scolastiche o manuali, Akira era stato soprannominato bambino sugar free. Se gli si metteva di fronte un dolce e qualunque altro alimento, lui immancabilmente rifiutava il dolce. Anche nel caso in cui l'alternativa fosse qualcosa di non particolarmente invitante come un limone od un peperone.

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