PhotoBomb challenge #199 - Entry #3



I had never seen my sister so beautiful. She was doing the final rehearsal of her wedding dress, a white dress as she had always dreamed of, as simple and elegant as she was and not as bulky as an empty meringue. Sometimes too sensitive, a bulletproof vest would have been useful to protect her from the cruelty of the world. The seamstress, in addition to arranging her dress, had put a flower in her hair, gathered it back and letting it fall in curls along her face. She turned to look at me: she looked like an angel.


Non avevo mai visto mia sorella cosi bella. Stava facendo le prove finali del suo abito da sposa, un abito bianco come aveva sempre sognato, semplice ed elegante come come era lei e non ingombrante come una meringa vuota. A volte fin troppo sensibile, le sarebbe stato utile un giubbotto anti proiettili per proteggerla dalla crudeltà del mondo. La sarta, oltre a sistemarle il vestito, le aveva messo un fiore tra i capelli, raccogliendoli dietro e lasciandoli cadere a boccolo lungo il viso. Si girò a guardarmi: sembrava un angelo.

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