I constantly decipher Code Or Definitions locally For a better understanding

I have been into coding for years now, I’ve played around with a wide range of different languages starting from C, C++, a little bit of Java, more Kotlin, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. And as I compose this blog post, I’m learning Reactjs.

I started studying Reactjs about 2 months ago, And so far so good, I’ve ticked Reactjs just to be one of the top languages with amazing mechanisms. In fact, the reason for this post is mainly to appreciate how the names of Reactjs mechanisms gave me a better understanding of how they function at different levels.

As stated in the very first paragraph, learning those wide ranges of languages was fun back then but I have never thought of appreciating any of their mechanism through blogs. The urge to tweet, blog, or vlog about coding mechanisms started right after I met Reactjs. I guess this is because one of the very first blogs I read back then explained how fun it is to learn Reactjs or how smart Reactjs is.

You may be wondering what the above statement means.

Well, Yes! React is so smart that if a Reactjs project has different pages to render, it will only update the parts of the UI that have changed. This somehow reminded me of Newton’s low of motion because there won’t be a reaction if there isn’t an Action.
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After a few examples and practices, I was amazed at how powerful Reactjs could be and I redefined it as;
As a peaceful programming language that reacts only when there’s an action(changes) on any part of its pages

Some of the words used there might not be necessary but that’s exactly how I rephrased it locally. With my definition, I would never forget how Reactjs works under the hood even in my sleep.

I have taken the approach of redefining each and every topic I learn to get it stuck In my head. I love this approach and would love to share more definitions/codes soon.

There isn’t any code involved in this post. But with my upcoming posts, I will surely state code examples.

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