Year 2021; with Renewed Hopes and Goals.

Happy new year, everyone! To date, this is my first post of 2021, and I honestly regret not being able to write a blog on the 1st of January. (How exciting would I feel writing on the first day of the year.) Nonetheless, I can still share some thoughts that I had as we welcome the new year ahead.


I think it's typical that each of us hopes to become better and achieve new goals this year. Last year was full of surprises; we've hit a global pandemic and lost many lives, experienced several natural disasters that raised awareness more of our environment, and our daily lives affected due to the effects of the pandemic. And although the situation was worse, good things still happened. We had the chance to have quality time with our loved ones as it is a prerequisite to stay at home. All of us had the time to discover new things about ourselves. And I think most of us found what we were searching for all this time.

I have a lot that I am looking forward to, and it includes the Hive blockchain. Although I don't understand everything about it, I wish that the community would become a healthy backbone for Hive. And for that to happen, let us not ignore others and take time to appreciate. I believe engagement is what we need most.

On every other social media platform, it is vital to keep them active. And there is no way that we can't do that here. I'm saying this because I see other blogs getting curated, but no one talks about them. What kind of magic is that?

We're not just bots. We are users. I'm not saying that most of them use bots. However, I think it is preferable to leave someone with an impression. Each of us has the potential to discover new possibilities that may help one another. We are unique individuals that are born different to visualize the future with our perspectives.

Do I sound like a motivational speaker just now? Kidding aside, I think it is what is best for the community. We can't just expect something to become great. We have to work on it.

This year is a new chapter of our lives. It's a new journey to unravel new things that are yet known to us. And with renewed hopes and dreams, let's hope that it would be a fruitful year ahead.

Cheers to a new journey!


Side Story: Yes, you're seeing what you are seeing. Some of the bottles you see above don't have any alcohol content anymore. They were just placed on the bar as decorative since it was new year. Yes, this was arranged to celebrate the coming year 2021!

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