Mizu No Oto - Every Image Has Its Haiku - Edition #59 WINNERS!


Banzai, haiku poets of Bananafish Tribe!

I renew my thanks to @sacra97 who kindly provided the photo you have tried in this edition.

She and others, like @gabmr, @evagavilan2 and @petronila, are keeping the community alive with their haiku poetry posts. Take a look and leave a comment if you like.

For the second edition in a row of Mizu No Oto we had three votes for three different haiku, so, like last time, the prizes will be split equally between the three.

Renuevo mi agradecimiento a @sacra97 que amablemente me facilitó la foto que ha probado en esta edición.

Ella y otros, como @gabmr, @evagavilan2 y @petronila, mantienen viva a la comunidad con sus publicaciones de poesía haiku. Echa un vistazo y deja un comentario si quieres.

Para la segunda edición consecutiva de Mizu No Oto tuvimos tres votos para tres haiku diferentes, así que, como la última vez, los premios se dividirán a partes iguales entre los tres.

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Here come the winners of this edition (1 Hive SBI)!

¡Aquí vienen los ganadores de esta edición (1 Hive SBI)!


Los laberintos
Verde ser reverdece
Caen los muros.

This haiku was voted on by @sayury, who notes that "the mazes of the first line of your haiku seem to come to life in its labyrinthine second line. It is not strange that in the third, forceful, the walls fall". The circular and recursive nature of this haiku is clear. We now know that the circle, or ensō, is one of the figures that best exemplify the spirit of haiku poetry, in fact a red ensō appears in the logo of this contest. So, kudos to Petronila for getting into the spirit so well.

The labyrinths
Green being green again
The walls fall.

Este haiku fue votado por @sayury, quien apunta que " los laberintos de la primera línea de su haiku parecen cobrar vida en su laberíntica segunda línea. No es extraño que en la tercera, contundente, caigan los muros". La naturaleza circular y recursiva de este haiku es clara. Ahora sabemos que el círculo, o ensō, es una de las figuras que mejor ejemplifican el espíritu de la poesía haiku, de hecho aparece un ensō rojo en el logo de este concurso. Entonces, felicitaciones a Petronila por entrar tan bien en el espíritu.


la luz baña el jardín
su verde brilla

This haiku was chosen by the author of the photo, @sacra97, with the following explanation: "summarizing the garden as a crossroads, a space where you go you will have to make a decision of where to go, then we walk through a light that we feel is limited to the garden, closing with the few green foliage that are still present there."
For me it's a haiku that shows the most delicate and positive aspects of the photo, which to others has suggested less serene thoughts due to its being devoid of people and showing bare vegetation. The emphasis on light reminds us that even a depopulated winter garden awaits the inexorable spring.

the light bathes the garden
its green shines

Este haiku fue elegido por la autora de la foto, @sacra97, con la siguiente explicación: "resumiendo el jardín como una encrucijada, un espacio donde vayas tendrás que tomar una decisión de a dónde dirigirte, luego nos pasea por una luz que la sentimos limitada al jardín, cerrando con los pocos follajes verdes que todavía están presentes allí."
Para mí es un haiku que muestra los aspectos más delicados y positivos de la foto, que a otros les ha sugerido pensamientos menos serenos por estar desprovista de gente y mostrando una vegetación desnuda. El énfasis en la luz nos recuerda que incluso un jardín de invierno despoblado espera la inexorable primavera.


traces of snow
chased by the sun -
nowhere to go

rastros de nieve
perseguidos por el sol -
no pueden escapar

"The labyrinths represent the journey of life, also those of the mind. So this week the exercises that have impacted me the most have to do with that vision of life as an intricate path, in a certain predestined sense, where one can identify with an object, a tree, a fountain, a trail of snow."
So writes @gracielaacevedo, who voted for this haiku.
I add that Owasco is a person of great poetic sensitivity who experiments with many versions of the same haiku trying to arrive at a final form, which is always subject to further improvements. This time, despite not knowing Spanish, she has experimented with several online translations until she reached a haiku that differs a little in the third line. But she liked the concept of "escape" so much that, in the comments to her post, she modified her own original with this version, which "brings in destiny, demise":

traces of snow
chased by the sun -
no escape

"Los laberintos representan el recorrido de la vida, también los de la mente. Así que esta semana los ejercicios que más me han impactado tienen que ver con esa visión de la vida como un camino intricado, en cierto sentido predestinado, en donde uno puede identificarse con un objeto, un árbol, una fuente, un rastro de nieve."
Así escribe @gracielaacevedo, que votó por este haiku.
Añado que Owasco es una persona de gran sensibilidad poética que experimenta con muchas versiones de un mismo haiku tratando de llegar a una forma final, que siempre está sujeta a nuevas mejoras. Esta vez, a pesar de no saber español, ha experimentado con varias traducciones online hasta llegar a un haiku que difiere un poco en la tercera línea. Pero le gustó tanto el concepto de "escape" que, en los comentarios a su publicación, modificó su propio original con esta versión, que "trae el destino, el fallecimiento":

rastros de nieve
perseguidos por el sol -
no hay escape


Domo arigato gozaimasu to all the participants! You are the backbone of this contest. Keep on writing haiku! / Domo arigato gozaimasu a todos los participantes! Eres la columna vertebral de este concurso. ¡Sigue escribiendo haiku!

Next month there will be an important milestone, because we will arrive at the 60th edition of Mizu no Oto! I hope for a very large participation ...

We see you with our beloved haiku on March 1st!

El próximo mes habrá un hito importante, ¡porque llegaremos a la 60 edición de Mizu no Oto! Espero una participación muy amplia ...

¡Nos vemos con nuestros queridos haiku el 1 de marzo!

Your unstoppable haiku herald / Su imparable heraldo haiku


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Let’s the Bananafish Tribe grow together!

The wise potassium kami Bananafish wants all of its beloved people can benefit from rich upvotes. For this reason, knowing that unity is strength, it asks for HP delegations and for numerous commitments to the curation trail.

With delegations, Bananafish voting power will grow and consequently the upvotes given to every contest entry will be higher. An easy mode to delegate some of your HP for a gigantic energy wave is to use PeakD and its wallet.

Following the curation trail is a way to make sure you always support the other participants to the Bananafish contests, automatically upvoting the posts (but not the comments) that Bananafish upvotes. We suggest to join hive.vote to follow curation trails or create yours.

We are also happy if you join the official Hive Bananafish community and publish the posts related to the contest within it, as well as in your blog.

Join the Bananafish Realms on Discord and chat with us: https://discord.gg/ZWmEUWT

If you like this contest, SPREAD THE WORD! We're grateful for your resteeming and word of mouth. Everything helps to grow together!



[banner credit: @f3nix]

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