I Choose Blindness but not Literally: Wk86 of Weekend-Engagement topics.

I don't care if I'm late!! I'm gonna post this whether ya like it or not :)

Now over to the topic i chose: Blindness. Just what in the Hell would I do if I went blind all of a sudden? Just the thought of it frightens me. I mean think about it: On some peculiar day, you're walking down the street, probably heading to work or something and all of a sudden - BLINDNESS!!!

"What the?... My eyes!! What's wrong with my eyes!!! Dear God!

Okay... calm down, calm down, you've got a bug in your eye that's all. Just a bug...Yeah.... yeah.... No!... No!! Shit I'm blind!!!"

Would probably be my first thoughts if some bizarre event like that should happen. Yeah, you can definitely expect that type of melodramatic outburst.

What do you mean, I'm not gonna be able to watch Netflix again doc?

Hmm... so let's say hypothetically it happened, like for real- this is it - no more seeing. After, I've gone through all the necessary medical examinations to convince me- without a doubt- that I am actually Blind, then I guess a couple days of silence and depression would be in order just until I am able to adjust to my new state.

crying and throwing tantrums every now and then is definitely part of it

Playing the piano

Oh yeah, this would probably be one of the hardest parts about being blind. Not being able to play Mozart, Chopin, Liszt, and Beethoven(Hopefully you know who Mozart is) on the piano.

You see every time I sit down to play the piano, it is always a struggle to end up not looking like the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Why?... because my eyes are always fixed directly on the damn keys and my back is bent so low, that I could literally smell the keys.

This is probably were Blindness would come in handy :)

Yeah, it'll probably teach me to learn how to play without looking at the damn keys because hey!... I wouldn't really have a choice huh?...Either that or I'll at least look as cool as all those concert pianists...

See what I mean?... Clearly, this guy has no idea he is about to get trampled by a horse. Ahh... that's the skill level I wish to attain someday...

Hence, everyday i would spend about an hour feeling the piano, feeling the keys in my hands, rubbing it, licking it, tasting it, biting it, letting myself become one with the piano before I can then actually practice playing the pieces blindly.

Heck! now that I'm blind, I have an excuse to improve my musical listening skills, tonality, tempo, and maybe even train myself to get relative or Perfect pitch!

**You know this blind thing isn't sounding that bad again

Seeing my own appearance

Now, not to sound too narcissistic but I love myself*. I love seeing myself. In fact, I have made it a ritual to wash my face when I wake up every morning, look in the mirror, and just stare at myself for a while.

Don't worry it's about to get less weird**

And as I would stare at myself, i would keep thinking positive thoughts in order to uplift my moral and bring a smile to my face. Because of that little ritual of mine, I find that I often start my day on a positive note. With a good and healthy sense of optimism.

Cue the Melodramatic screaming again...

Seriously though, It's quite cruel. Almost unfair.... I mean just think about it for a second?

Imagine not being able to see yourself grow up? Especially if you're still young like me. Imagine not being able to see yourself at 40, and then 60, and then 70, and then so on until the big guy says time up. It's kind of sad honestly.

It is becomes even sadder when you take yourself out of the equation and put in other people. People who mean the world to you. Your beloveds: Mom, Dad, Wife, Kids, siblings e.t.c... I don't know about you but I'll be very devastated knowing I can't see them again let alone watch them grow up.


Ahh... looks won't matter anymore because I literally won't be able to look at the girl :)

Okay, I'll be brutally honest here - I like beautiful women.

Okay... that sounded way less creepier in my head

But yeah, it's true. However, because I am now Blind, i wouldn't have that notion of letting my eyes dictate to my brain who is good looking or not. And yeah, yeah.... I know; I have to take into consideration the fact that looks don't matter and that all women are beautiful and that* everybody is beautiful in their own way* and stuff like that. But give me a big fat break!! Who do you think you're kidding?... looks sort of matter. Even if it's just a little.

Regardless, the looks wouldn't even be a problem when you're blind.

When you're blind, you won't mind

~ Zeraton

Ah... to think being blind can actually have its advantages. Picture this: a world without specs, without discriminations, without limitations. I hope you know where I'm going with this...

You see, I once had a blind friend by the name of Micheal. Like he was so fantastically blind - and probably a little deaf to that you could literally pull out your....

Uh... you know what?... never mind. I rather not finish that sentence

Anyway, he was much older than me at the time and I learnt from him that the blind man can have his days...

Time after time, I would watch as he flirted his way around many varieties of women completely unmoved by their looks and focused more on their personalities. It was because of his Blindness to the material illusions that he found his kind and beautiful maiden(wife)- Sarah.

Ahh.... so Blindness can actually bring a guy a good and honest woman?...

Seriously... this blind thing ain't that bad after all. I think I misjudged it actually...

Heck! You know what? I could go blind right now and wouldn't even give a...

My eyes!!!!!!

Thanks for reading and keep exploring!!

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