Sublime & Beautiful Sunday - Spring has Sprung on a Weekend


Through the magic of the blockchain, I have the ability to transport you back a couple days for some #weekendexperiences. This time, I may have it right but will leave that up to our friend @galenkp
Sundays are the magical day where I can get caught up on whatever I didn't get enough of during the week. Rest, fun, work, miscellaneous! ere is my #SublimeSunday (inspired by @c0ff33a) and #BeautifulSunday (initiated by @ace108) post to share a day of #weekendexperiences.

This weekend, I am taking the time to look closer at the budding green, having brunch and listening to some vinyl!


Last Weekend


It was only last weekend that there was snow in the air! It didn't settle much on the ground but we surely have seen the last of the snow for a few months now?


If this week's weather, and the date on the calendar are indicators, It looks like it is time for some green explosion and plenty of rain.

Dog Wars


Most of my Sunday posts will include a trip with this guy to his favourite spot. He loves to pause on the way to visit the Canada geese that wander around plenty this time of year. If you look closely, you can see the little yellow goslings between them as they retreat toward the pond. I have to make sure the window is up high enough that he doesn't get any bright ideas of jumping out and getting in a fowl fight.


Sundays seem to be popular in the park when the weather is nice enough. We had a full on 4-dog wars today which leaves them full of drool, mud and tired out come evening.


Around these parts, besides May flowers, April showers also bring May showers. The skies don't look too promising and the forecast has been sprinkled with possibilities of thunder storms. Doesn't phase me as a walk outdoors on the weekend can be almost any weather and still worth it.


The first sprouts being splashes of green if you take the time to look closer.

Many tulips are already open but mine are taking their time. Perhaps open by next Sunday.


Some of the perennials in the garden are getting a head start on the rest, spreading out under the sun as it builds strength.

I really enjoy the little purple flowers that grow on my lawn. This is the first bee I have seen this year enjoying them even more. Probably pisses the neighbour off when my lawn looks like this while his is a grass carpet. He has plenty of flowers in the flower beds but I prefer native blooms to ornamental lawn grass.


These always make me look twice as it is not completely unlike poison ivy at first glance. More likely wild strawberry with that little white flower.


Still woody where it will be green all over in coming weeks.


On my way out of the park, I was trying to snap a picture of a woodpecker but saw this guy flying overhead. I thought it might have been a heron but appears to be either a turkey vulture, large hawk or an eagle. It was carrying a big branch for whatever reason and I apparently caught it just as it dropped it. Almost like it was bombing the barky dogs who think they tough.

The Rest


How about a little pulled pork sandwich and sweet potato fries from a unique local restaurant for a weekend snack? Ya we got that!


How about a little vinyl dj music action at one of the local lounges? Oh yah we got that too!


What's the best way to cap off a nice weekend adventure on a Sunday? a thick west coast IPA with a new design you haven't had in a year or 2!




Any weekend adventure memories for you?

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