My Amazing Premonition

Welcome to my Blog, I'm Yeli Marín, @yelimarin, I'm so glad you're here.

Today I want to share with my friend @galenkp and the weekend community my experience with premonition, it's a catharsis that will surprise you.

The premonition was something that was hard for me to understand, I didn't believe at first that something like that could happen because I didn't see it probable to feel or live something and then it happened, it didn't make sense to me.

One day two years ago to be exact I was worried because my oldest son, now 18 years old, was not getting a job, and at the moment he told me that he did not want to go to college, so he got a job near the house with people who were dedicated to buying and selling plastics and cardboard, I did not agree with the job, I wanted something better for him, but deep down I was reassured to see that at least I was doing something.

These people traveled to another state buying this recyclable material to later sell it, they worked in trucks and the boys served as helpers to load and unload the truck and organize the materials in the warehouse, that's what it was all about.

He would leave at 8 am and be home by noon and then leave at 2 pm and return around 5 pm.

I didn't know the people he worked with, I had seen them, I knew where the house was, but I didn't know them, they were not my friends and I didn't know their names.

One day I went to bed in the middle of the morning and as soon as I fell asleep I saw when they woke me up after ringing the doorbell very quickly, it was my son in a hurry who was coming to get his identity card because he would go with the people he worked with to travel to another city to pick up some cartons that his boss had already bought.

He told me that he would travel in a white Super Duty truck and that the truck was full, they were going to take turns so that some would go in the back because there were several of them and so they would not be crowded.

He went into the apartment looking for his ID card because otherwise he would not be able to go on the 8 hour trip one way.
Then at night two girls called me through the living room window, one I already knew, but the other I had never seen before.

I noticed their nervousness when they called me and their crying faces, they told me that they had something very strong to tell me, that unknown girl spoke and told me that during the trip that my son had to Caracas with the people of the plastics, they had a terrible accident in the white Super Duty.

Because of the heavy rains, the truck lost control and she told me that my son at that time was riding in the back of the truck and when the truck overturned he went flying and lost his life.

I felt when my body collapsed quickly, then I saw myself in a hospital recognizing my son's body inside a black bag like in the morgues in the movies.

I swear to God that just remembering it makes me cry deeply, I heard people in the hospital comment, "What a young boy and good way, and his young mom, it must be hard, I wouldn't resist it".

My body, my heart, I was shattered, I experienced an overwhelming sensation of pain, I had all the information of the tragic accident and in that when I was crying deeply the sound of the doorbell made me wake up.

My son had arrived, when I saw him he had the same clothes as in the dream, I hugged him and cried disconsolate, he did not understand why, he had arrived with two other boys, I told him without saying a word "You are not going".

He told me that he had come quickly to pick up and I finished the sentence, "You come quickly to get the ID card because you are going to Caracas to pick up some cartons that your boss bought, they will go in a white Super Duty and there will be several boys and one will have to go in the back so as not to be crowded. You go with someone with a strange name like "Elazar" and he looked at me surprised and told me that his name was Calazar.

He asked me how I knew all that if they had just told him, the friends looked surprised faces, was when in tears I told him no go and I told him the dream I had just had just then and he had the same clothes and I described that girl I had never seen and everything that would happen in that accident where only he would lose his life.

Overwhelmed when I started to tell him and his friends started to cry seeing my desperation and decided not to go on that trip, luckily he listened to me.

Later I went out with my son and I was surprised to see that girl who appeared to me in a dream, it was impressive, it was the same and quickly my son called her, he knew her and she was related to the people in the plastics, she had never seen me and when my son told her the girl burst into tears and told him that she had just been told that the white Super Duty had had an accident on the road to Caracas and because of the heavy rains it got stuck, lost control and was useless, luckily there was no loss of life.

There was no need for anyone to go in the back because my son did not go and neither did his two friends after hearing the story of my revealing dream.

When the girl told us what had happened, my son, his friends and I began to cry again, it was a very emotional day, luckily my son did not go against me and stayed at home.

From that trip there were only material losses and polytraumatisms in those who went, everything was part of a bad memory and a human loss that was avoided.

I knew that I had not become a fortune teller or anything like that and when I told it to a studied person he explained to me that what I had lived was known as deja vu, that it happened to other people, they were very real experiences and that many times they transmit us important things that we can avoid as in this case.

Thank God he protected us and this was just a memory, one more experience lived, my son is now 20 years old thanks to God and he is strong and healthy. I share with you my experience of my first and only premonition, happy weekend. Virtual hugs.

Own images, I used the translator DeepL and the App InShot for the cover photo.

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