Hello community, happy day friend @galenkp, what a pleasure to participate again and address one of your raised issues.

This time I am going to talk about option number three on How has the loss affected me and what have you personally done to mitigate the effects and move forward?.

I will talk about the loss of a loved one and it is very emotional to talk about this topic, since it stirs up a lot of feelings that we often try to hide in order not to feel pain.

A few years ago I physically lost my mother, after that it is as if it was the trigger for my family to disintegrate, all the Christmas, birthdays and other celebrations that took place in her house ended with her departure, there are no more reunions.

Each brother moved away with his family, the oldest left the country and the youngest lives in another state, I moved away with my family and I frequent two of my brothers and my father who decided to live with my older sister after selling my mother's house.

At the beginning I tell you that it was hard and although it has been four decades since that fateful day the pain is still felt, in fact I don't think there will ever be a time when it won't hurt.

However, I have understood that my mother's health was very deteriorated, she was suffering and felt very sad, she only wished to die, for a moment my heart hardened and although it hurt me and it hurts me not to have her, it comforts me to know that where she is she does not suffer and that was what she longed for the most, to stop feeling pain, I think that where she is she will be able to walk as she did some time ago and that makes her happy.

She is at peace, calm and that has given me resignation, I miss her presence, remembering her it is impossible to cry, so one day I felt so much pain and I understood that people only die when they are forgotten, that is when they die, so I do not stop remembering her and keep her alive in my heart.

I imagine that she is well at home and that because of my daily activities I cannot go to see her, so I disguise her absence. While I keep a picture of her with my dad in my living room and seeing her every day makes me feel that she is here, close by, with me and that has worked very well for me.

I know that we are part of the great cycle of life and that by nature we must die, however, my mom passed away before her time due to kidney disease and diabetes, I did not have the opportunity to see her gray-haired and old as we had hoped.

I miss her very much and my hope is to be reunited with her on another plane when my time is over, I pray to God that before I leave he allows me the satisfaction of being able to see my children grow up and become good men, productive for society.

I still have my father and I know that it has been very difficult for him to lose his lifelong companion, the years are beginning to take their toll and loneliness and depression is what has affected him the most, he remains with the idea of not rebuilding his life with anyone, because he maintains that his wife will never have a substitute and it is something we all respect and even share.

Replacing someone after dedicating your whole life to a person must not be easy for everyone, I am comforted to know that my mother left with God with the peace of mind of having formed good men and women, hardworking, professional and with a good heart, that is why she said she was calm.

There are dates that are very sad when remembering her and facing the idea that she is not physically with us, it makes us nostalgic and fills us with sadness.

I do not like cemeteries, so on her birthday and Christmas I light a candle in honor of her in my home and I remember her beautifully, with much feeling, comforting me in the hope of seeing her again, since people only die for those who forget them.

Thank you friend @galenkp for this initiative, have a happy weekend. Hugs to you.

Own images taken with my Redmi 9 cell phone, I used the InShot App for the cover photo and the translator DeepL to translate my text because I am Latina and I only speak Spanish.

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