How I Engage Consistently On Hive

The weekend-engagement caught my attention two years ago and I found it to be really interesting. If I'm being honest, I do prefer the old format of commenting, there were incredibly long comment threads and I would go through them because I enjoyed the exchange.

I understand how hard it must have been for Galenkp to keep up with so many comments so I like the idea of blog posts on that note. What I noticed is that my engagement dropped because it's a lot more tedious going through several posts than going through one post with all the comments.

One has to be really intentional to read full blog posts from different people and engage genuinely. This brings me to my topic choice this weekend,

💯 Engagement on Hive
What does engagement on Hive mean to you and how do you do it? What methods or strategies have you used and what results have you had? Do you feel it has been helpful to build your account, have you enjoyed it or do you feel you'd rather not have to do it?

outdoors and still engaging on hive

Engagement on hive in general is something that can't be avoided. You can churn out the best content in the world but if you don't engage people, no one is going to know you. It's not enough to drop replies to comments on your post, you also have to visit the posts of others and engage them too.

Being social plays an important role in being successful on hive. It's a social blockchain for a reason and people want to know the opinions of the person behind the account.

Engaging on hive is not hard for me and I don't have a super-strategy. Starting from my own content, I always make sure I reply comments on my post. I might miss some comments sometimes but I do frequent checks to reply to missed comments.

Some comments are generic or just a repetition of what I said in my post, I won't lie, I ignore sometimes if I'm not up to it. Then there are comments that give me absolute joy because they're so engaging and thoughtful.

This is the type of engagement that keeps me going on hive. I use the number of comments on my posts as a yardstick for my account growth and anywhere above 20 comments is fine by me.

I also engage the post of others and aim for expressing my opinions in a way that lets the author know I actually read the post. There's nothing more annoying than getting a comment that obviously shows the person didn't read a single line of what you wrote.

I would definitely not be thrilled to check out an account that leaves a generic comment. But when a thoughtful comment is dropped, I instinctively want to read more from the person. This makes me check out their account and I decide if I want to follow them if I like what I see.

This is most likely what goes through the minds of others when they see my comments so I prefer leaving genuine comments that give a good first impression of me. I believe this has worked for me several times and I meet people through comment sections.

I also tend to be playful while engaging and my personality comes out. I don't think engagement necessarily means long paragraphs. Sometimes I drop gifs and point out something in a post I find funny and react to it.

Short-form content can be quality and fun too, which is why I said earlier on that I kind of preferred the old weekend-engagement format.

Overall, I enjoy my engagement on hive and I know it's a major contributor to building my account. I won't lie and say I wish I could engage more, I don't have the energy for that.

It's more fun being organic and not putting too much thought to it except maybe you're in a contest that requires you to be on super-engagement mode. I love pressure free engagement and it's generally easy for me because I'm better at expressing myself in writing.

What's your engagement on hive like? You can join the conversation by checking out this post.

It's the 100th edition of the weekend-engagement, big congrats to the team and members of this awesome community. It's fun engaging with you all.

Thanks for reading!

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