I love you enough #weekend-engagement

Hello lovely,

We have grown such a tight bond in the past years as we have listened more and appreciated each other even more. Why shouldn’t I? You have been remarkable. I’m proud of you!
You have been through a whole lot -the negatives and the wins yet you never let any of those experiences dampen who you are or fade you out. They build you instead. We almost zoned out you know, the world has a lot of tricks on its sleeves but we are still here.

We carved a world on the inside and owned it, which kept us sane though as the world around us didn't seem to include us, understand us or care about our existence. True! We only just existed for a while passing through the times and never seen. We’ve tried out a lot of exciting things baby, from doing “25 new things never done by me before” being the introvert we were in the past those things might never have been done if not for challenging ourself. We sure did enjoy those experiences- from hiking to rope climbing to flying, swimming, kayaking and the like. Boy did we meet a lot of people and made new friends.

I’m glad I listen to you more often and keep to most words I say to you- still learning to do better, in time I will follow through with every promise I make to you (I love and respect you baby). We never really conversed so easily with each other in the past - I guess the few conversations we had and laughed over we did unintentionally but I’m learning to be more intentional now because I see you. I see you for the kind-hearted lady you are and the childlike love you express. Never really wanting to let go of your fun childlike self who loves animations, goofy dances and play- I guess the more reason why kids love you. Do keep at it, I love you too.

I’m glad you never let the statements of your not-so-close friends calling you fragile, gullible and naive get to you as the only explanation was that you thought the best about everyone and will eventually be broken. Still standing... In truth, our backbone to keeping up with this has been “discernment” which has been a gift and sometimes feels like a curse though majorly a gift cus we’ve been saved from situations that would have left us lost. Grateful Lord!!!🙏🏽.

Baby you’ve grown- beyond the ugly/ordinary, uninteresting girl, the idea that everyone reasoned the same and everyone was sane or had a kind heart. I love the lady you have become- elegant, innovative, intelligent, beautiful in and out, confident, resilient, go-getter and God fearing.

I love that you don’t follow the crowd, you stand your ground for what is right even if you stand alone. I love that you don’t seek to please anyone and you do most of the time. I love that you work hard and you dream big keeping your head up and directional. Every conversation I have with you is mind-blowing and I love you so deeply for who you are because I know you and yearn to know a lot more about you.
We aren’t just made only to think things through and move on anymore we are made for far greater things- you know I know your weaknesses and struggles- we will work through them - I’ve got your back baby.

Right now you have a lot going on that is almost overwhelming and it feels somewhat like a waste of time. Just hold on and keep at it. As long as you enjoy doing them and you have love as a driving force in the front of it all, you will get there eventually I promise. God has our back you know.

Promise me one thing love, when you arrive at the point of great success and exceeding wealth never lose yourself, let humility and love lead.

I love you dearest self and I love you more and more each day

This was written as a prompt in response to one of the questions asked by @galenkp in the #weekendexperience. To participate click here👉 weekend engagement


Write the words you need to hear right now. This is a letter to yourself and you can say anything...it's your own words to you. Do a post of 300 words or more.

Smile... laugh often... love more... be happy and grateful always! We are not promised tomorrow

~Whitney Alexander; a lover of God, life and knowledge; a fashion designer, a part time foodie, a resplendent tutor and a blogger/writer/storyteller in the hive family and loving every bit of it. Thanks for stopping by. Your comments and inputs are very much welcomed. xoxo~

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