Learning to Ski where there is No Snow


Technology in the sports world has been really fascinating to see its development process. From the early 90s till now we have seen technology influence our lifestyle in ways I have never imagined. One of them is involving Snow Sports.

Living in Taiwan for 3 years now, I have never thought skiing or snowboarding would be possible here. And since experiencing life in both Korea and America, I had the opportunity to enjoy snow sports when the season arrives. I learned how to ski by the time I was third grade and this was a time were you had to take lessons at the ski resort. basically learning how to ski was only possible during the winter.

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One day walking through the streets around my neighborhood I found a shop called iSki. from what it looked I thought it was a snowboard and ski equipment shop. in my mind I was thinking "why in the world would you open up a snowboard and ski equipment shop where there is no snow to be seen all year?" especially when you know Taiwan never has winter season.

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To my surprise what it looked from the outside was totally different than what it looked from the inside. From the outside street it really just looked like any normal small retail shop we see in Taiwan. I was with my family at the time and said "why in the world is there a snow sports shop here?... I need to take a look!!" and yes from the store front they sold the typical gear we see... boots, ski's, boards, clothing, helmets...ect. But when I went in further I discovered what looked like a practicing area.

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At a glance it looked like a small angled floor. In my mind I was wondering how boring it would be to walk up this elevated surface and slide down less than 15 meters. Doing that in repetition will get anyone completely not to enjoy snow sports. However I was completely wrong.

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I saw a huge ass treadmill! The largest treadmill I have ever seen in my life!!! surface area made especially to have ski's and snowboards glide while the treadmill was running. I was totally dumbfounded by how outrageous the idea seemed to be but such a great idea seeing it in action. I can totally see the faces of the investors when this idea was pitched for a business proposal... hehehe. "Lets built a treadmill... so big and ride snowboards on it!!! Taaadaaaa!!~~" hehehehe.

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My son has never tried ski or snowboard and by looking at his eyes it looked like he for sure wanted to give it a shot and learn. Why not? Just try everything! Maybe he will enjoy it and get to ride with me on the slopes one day... that for sure would be cool. Lets give it a chance then... signed up for several classes and lets get suited up. Keep in mind he never seen ski or snow board equipment in person so he was lit up and excited. It seemed so futuristic for him looking at all that gear... kind of gear we see in sci-fi movies... like astronaut gear.

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I remember when I first saw ski gear when I was a child... back then snowboard has not existed yet. Burton was the first I believe to come up with the revolution and innovation. In the early 90's ski gear when I look at it now looks totally fugly... lolz. I still have pics of that ultra colorful retro 90's style ski outfits and it makes me cringe to da bone. Neon colors is the best way I can describe it. hehehe.

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We started with "ski" first cause it was the way how I learned it and transitioned to snowboard n back. In my opinion it is easier to kinda get the feel of gliding and carving into the snow plane. Hard to describe but the feeling is like carving a knife on a stone... and you are riding the knife. hmmmm.... not sure if this is explaining it well. hahahahaha. But for sure it's a different feeling than surfing a wave on a surfboard. The carving part... with liquid water and frozen water (snow) has a different sensation. Yet, they are all very fun activities~ riding with nature. :)

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I think its a very innovative move where the ski/snowboard community is trying to bring the sport to a new demographic where its not easily accessible. This is where I love how technology evolves in trying to mimic nature through use of synthetic materials and engineering with a touch of design and style. Absolutely brilliant.

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It's fascinating to see how kids can adapt to new skills so fast. I wonder if it has anything to do with a child's mindset in "ahhhh.. just do it." as for myself I think too much before I put into action (In my case Golf especially).

I wish he can enjoy and learn through this experience and soon enough we will plan a holiday to put this in full action adventure. I am very curious to see what his experience will be explained to me in the real snow mountain. hehehehe. Can't wait what expressions will come from him. Till then... we grind and practice on the weekends.


Thanks you all for viewing my post today. Its really been a while since my last due to crazy work circumstances but still nevertheless bit by bit, step by step life blogging. Getting back in da game!

More Weekend Experiences coming up soon~
It's Time to set da Tone!!!


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