I Say Yes and No, My list | Weekend Experiences week #146!

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Hello my friends, it is a pleasure to be here again today I share my experience in this wonderful Community, our friend @galenkp offers us several proposals, this time I chose "My Yes and No list ". Below I share with you my reflection.


We all have our way of living, there are things that we like so much that we would not refuse to say YES, on the contrary things that we do not like, whatever the case may be, we each have the decision to say NO and YES, when the situation presents itself, now I have prepared a list of 5 things that I would do, 5 things that I would not do and their reasons.šŸ“



āœ”ļø "I say YES to coffee " ā˜•ļø This most tasty and popular drink in the world, I drink it every day, if I get to a place or invite me to a coffee, I would be happy, that one that fills me with energy and smiles for its taste, smell and variety, I am a faithful lover of coffee so I could not live without it.

āœ”ļø "I say YES to being outdoors " I like the sea, the rivers, the countryside in short, being in contact with nature takes me away from sadness, worries, stress to fill me with joy and optimism is the therapy that I would always go all the time, the universe has positive energy to seek these spaces.

āœ”ļø "I say YES to support a friend " I have few friendships, but I have a small group of friends with whom I always go out to have fun in the good times of walks, there I am always very much value friendship, so also in bad times I would be willing to support my friends.

āœ”ļø "I say YES to know other countries " I like to travel, I am sure that if I had the financial possibility I would travel all the time, I am a free soul and I learn a lot from the customs, education and cultures of other people, to see other lands is so exciting and fun.

āœ”ļø "I say YES to honesty " When we are honest we sleep deep and with a light soul, but sometimes not everyone likes me but we get what we give and I detest lies.



āŒ "I say No to cigarette " I have never been attracted to cigarette, my mother smoked when I was young and from there I detested that smell, I feel that my air was polluted, and my breath was shortened. I like night places, it was there that I tolerated a little smoke, but I never learned this bad vice that I hate.

āŒ "I say NO to complaining " I learned that living by complaining does not solve anything, but rather worsens the situation, since it is a negative energy and you will have more things to complain about in your life, I learned this exercise in the book Gratitude.

āŒ "I say NO to getting up early " This habit of getting up late is in me since childhood my mother enrolled me in an afternoon school, because I cried when they woke me up at 5.am, no matter how early I went to bed I am a very sleepyhead, it cost me to get used to the rhythm of my work to get up at 6.00 am but I am already retired so I sleep until 8.00am.

āŒ "I say NO to hate " I don't worry about bad things, if someone does something bad to me, in my heart I don't give space to hate, because it would make me sick and I know that there is divine justice.

āŒ "I tell you NOT to eat late " I usually eat early, besides, at my age, I feel bad if I eat late at night, because I can't sleep, food at night is usually more fattening.

This is my participation this weekend in the initiative of my friend @galenkp inviting my friends @nanixxx @angelica7 Here .

Captura de pantalla 2022-01-25 001845.png


Content, photographs and separators of my authorship. @wendyth16

Translated with DeepL


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