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"Thanks to fate that allowed us to coincide, even though we have not yet met."


Greetings friends of #weekendcompromise, especially to its creator my congratulations for the work during these three wonderful years of the community. In this opportunity I want to join the commitment of the 156th week as part of this symbolic celebration where the number three is the protagonist.
Only three minutes to speak! Wow .... seems to be little time for so much to say, but rules are rules hahahahahaha and as @galenkp said and these were made to be fulfilled.

This post is a small tribute to the one who for 26 years has been my husband and for 29 years my boyfriend, thank you for putting up with me and taking care of me, thank you for the differences and for your work.


Life is uncertain and the truth is that none of us are prepared for these things of destiny, I would never believe that it could happen to me, but we are not exempt from it happening to us. Opportunities are meant to be seized and if I had those three minutes to talk to my husband, I am sure the first thing I would do during the first minute would be to hug him and whisper in his ear that I QUIED, that thank you so much for being patient and choosing me to form a home and a family. That when I couldn't even pronounce his name, I would remember that every time I saw the silence on my lips, I would hear them speak in every hug I gave him, because it would be my heartbeat that would speak to him for me. I would also tell him that thanks to every reproach he gave me, he made me a better woman, mother and wife. And in that last second I would tell him "te quiedo" which has been our special word for over 28 years. Te quiedo means more than, I love you, I want you, I desire you and you are everything. So I would use those three minutes to express my love and gratitude.

As I was writing this post I thought, we are selfish, we should never take anything for granted and not everything is for sure in life; we are surrounded by wonderful people that make our life special and we should tell them how valuable they are.
The images were edited in canva, I used deepl translator for this post, I hope you liked it.