I wish I had the ability to change...馃審| Weekend-Engagement WEEK 152

Hi friends, I hope you had a great Friday and are super well!. I share my participation in the "Weekend Experiences" initiative proposed by @galenkp and the theme I chose was "I wish I had the ability to change..."

I believe that if I had the ability to change the world, I would focus on the people in it.
It's a long topic, but day by day I see how our world is calling for help and I think it is invisible to many people. I live in Margarita Island - Venezuela, where day by day I see that the human being is ungrateful with the nature, with the beaches, with the animals and I think: WHY? The truth is that I don't know and that's also why I decided to make this post, because it may not reach many eyes, but if the few who read, we raise awareness, the beaches would be a little cleaner.
It is ironic to think that the dream of many (and I include myself) is to "spend a vacation on a tropical beach", but when they are there, they complain about the same garbage washed out to sea. Let's imagine that if what we see on the shore is 1% of the garbage, how will the ocean be?.

Some weekends, I go to the beach to relax with my dog "Luna" and it's really amazing how many plastics I see, so this weekend I joined a friend of mine to pick up a lot of the trash as an initiative "A beach with less garbage" and in this way we help animals, nature and, believe it or not, even ourselves. I would not like this post to be controversial, as it is more of a wake-up call for ourselves, in the end this world is our "home" and I always think that the person who lacks conscience with the planet, also lacks conscience with himself.
I'm going to share some pics I took for you to enjoy them so that everytime we see how beautiful a sunset, a sunrise, a beach, a mountain landscape is, we can enjoy them, let us remember that everything we see would not be possible if mother earth were not alive. So the least we can do to thank her is to take care of her.
Therefore, if I had the ability to change anything, it would be the mentality of some and fill them with more awareness and less ignorance.

This weekend let's reflect a little on ourselves and why we are on this planet, let's be thankful for life and the air we breathe.
Happy weekend to all!

Pics taken by me and edited with Photoshop 2023 - translation: DeepL

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