Will it be so "simple" to achieve health, wealth and all our desires?

"My body and all my organs were created by the Healing Intelligence of my subconscious mind. He knows how to heal me. His wisdom shaped my organs, tissues, muscles and bones. This infinite healing presence from within me is now transforming every cell of my being, making me healthy and perfect. I give thanks for the healing I know it is bringing about right now. Wonderful are the works of the Creative Intelligence within me."

Dr. Joseph Murphy

This book was originally written in English, I am reading a translated edition.

The above quote was taken from the book "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind". It is a very encouraging book in which the author tells us how we can apply the infinite power that he says dwells within us, since our mind is in turn part of a supreme mind and a higher wisdom and, being part of it, we also have its power but we do not use it consciously in most cases.

This book is one of my treasures and I have tried to apply its principles on more than one occasion, obtaining regular results, although I confess that I have not been as disciplined and consistent as required.

According to the indications of the book, if we wish to recover our health, in case it has been broken, the author recommends repeating a phrase like the one mentioned above several times during the day in a relaxed state, doing it with conviction and faith, he says that if we do not have faith, belief that it is possible, it will be given by the same repetition and, to see results, several weeks or even months must pass, depending on the personal time it takes for the idea to sink into our deepest mind, which is where everything originates.

Of course, if we are in any medical treatment, this should not be interrupted, please. Only that these kinds of statements can help us to accelerate our healing processes.

This is an idea that not everyone will accept, however, I find it interesting and I think it is worthwhile, and very much so, to read this book that narrates many examples of people who have been cured of some diseases and have influenced the healing of others, have obtained improvements in their economy, resolution of legal problems, harmony in their lives, control of unpleasant aspects of the personality, have even found an ideal partner and, in general, have a more pleasant life.

This book is very complete in books of its style, we are given examples of statements that we can say for each case.

One of the recommendations that I have used was one of many that the author makes to improve our economic situation and it is to repeat "Success, Wealth" several times a day after having calmed our mind and body, he says that it is vital to be in a state of deep relaxation so that the idea can be imprinted in our subconscious mind and, when that has happened, some things will move in favor of our request.

The author says that the ideal is to say short phrases or keywords, referring to our request, just at the moment when we are falling asleep, that instantaneous threshold that divides being almost asleep to being asleep, is ideal to impregnate our mind with what we most desire. I have tried this and the truth is not easy, because it requires a lot of concentration and at the same time to be relaxed in our body and mind and say the phrase over and over again in that state until we fall asleep.

In the case of my results when I started trying to imbue my mind with "Success, Wealth", I really don't think it was chance but some things started to improve, more work started to come in and therefore more opportunities to earn money.

I left that practice aside thinking that it had been enough and not by leaving it the situation stagnated, however, I wonder, what would have happened if I had done this practice for at least a couple of months or if I had taken it as a habit? Would my economic situation be better? Would I feel successful? Would I have been better and more inspired by stimulating my mind in this way?

I clarify that I am not associating success only with the economic part, this is just an example.

I have several days of having resumed reading this book, or rather, starting to read it again. Today, after work, it has accompanied me for a couple of hours and it is really very stimulating.

I have been making a declaration for several days, what the author of the book calls scientific prayer, for a very important request for me, although it is not about me directly. Perhaps, at some point I will write about the results, although I will do everything in my power to improve that situation, since it is not only about reciting words and things fall from the sky, we must also act and, surely, we will have divine inspiration or if not at least we will have good thoughts, I think that is already a gain.

Until the next time.

This writing is inspired by @galenkp's proposal for this weekend.

Photography from my personal gallery

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