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Health for my feet with my favorites shoes [WEEK 145]

It's a pleasure to be here again, in one of my favorite communities, sharing stories about the interesting topics that @galenkp suggests us every weekend.

This time I want to tell you about my favorite shoes, my preferreds, because they are very comfortable, light, keep my feet in perfect comfort and prevent them from excessive fatigue, because for some time now I noticed that walking short distances my feet suffered severe fatigue.

So I don't know if it has to do with the fact that the years don't pass in vain or if it was a question of poor quality in the shoes I was wearing. If I had talked about my favorite shoes a few years ago I would have undoubtedly answered: classic converse, I had many, yellow, red, blue, black, white.... Every time I could I bought a pair.

During the pandemic, I had to walk much more than I normally did because of the restrictions that prevailed, then not only my feet suffered but also my spine began to suffer because of some strange symptoms that I felt for a while. Fortunately I recovered from almost everything, except an injury at the cervical level, feeling that in every step all the impact is received by my head is something really scary, besides painful.

In that sense, I started to take care of myself a lot, I went to physical therapies and I have improved a lot, however, there were sequels and I began to investigate about what I could do on my own to feel better, I found a lot of information, much of it quite obvious, like taking care of the postures of our body and others, not so much, like being very selective with the shoes we wear and not let ourselves be carried away only by its exterior but give priority to the comfort they can offer to our body, because although there are cars and other means of transport, our feet are the ones that really move us.

About a year ago I bought the shoes that star in the images in this post, I walked quite a bit to get a pair that fit my budget, as at the time I was only willing to spend a maximum of $60 for that purpose. I would spend much more for a pair of good shoes that contribute to the health of my feet and spine, but it is not always possible at the time you need them.

I visited different malls and the prices were twice my budget and more than that, I was really exhausted and was going to postpone my purchase until I managed to complete enough money, until after hours and hours of searching and walking with shoes that were killing my feet, I finally came to a store that had a small batch of shoes at half price and immediately, as my friend @aguamiel would say, "some winked at me", I loved the model, the brand, the size just right for me and back home I was wearing them. It was a relief for my feet, which deserve the best, since they carry all my weight, since then I rarely wear another pair of shoes, I always wear the same ones everywhere, as I don't work in an office, I don't have to dress in a certain way. Most of the time I go casual, so my faithful companions are always with me.

Today, I took them to the park and took the opportunity to ask them to pose for my pictures, they came out very cute, at least from my point of view.

It wasn't until a couple of months after I bought them that I noticed that they had a small tear on the inside, something very much in my favor, since it was thanks to this almost insignificant defect that their price went down. For me they are perfect.

Today I walked around the park, which is a bit big, I was walking a lot and enjoying how beautiful the sky was and how spectacular the mountain looks. Before I left, I rested leaning against a tree, I contemplated my shoes and although I have many others, I would leave them all just for this pair.

Thank you for reading 😉