My today post on the hive platform@uwemudo01 #23

I was at home working. but I needed to make breakfast and lunch, so I did work out to the market this morning and
gets some food items to the market to make my breakfast and lunch.

This are my best soup that I love so much
you can also make use of it with fofu and carry

also for my weekend

Truly, in spite of the fact that I burned through a brief period cooking, in spite of the fact that I consider it to be a venture, since with food am stay sound, I actually work calm. since i had organic products within reach and great food.

This is crayfish for the soup

For breakfast get ready seared arepita with cheddar, espresso. got rich.

as you can see this fish for the soup

Finally this the soup so delicious

The writing and the pictures are my own

hope you like my today post
Thank you as you go through my post
Iove u' all see you soon

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