Hero Or Villain? It Depends Who´s Asking

As I don´t live a very conventional life, people can have mixed feelings about the person that I am, or more like the person, they think that I am. I try my best to stay out of the system, as I don´t really believe in it or have any faith in it. It all comes down to our personal choices, we all have to do what is best for us as an individual.

There are those that will think you are doing something wonderful and then those who believe you are not. I have experienced both. Especially about how I raise my children and the way that I choose to live.

Perhaps as a young adult, I would have been viewed as more of a hero, having trained as a mental health nurse and working in the health system for almost 10 years. Back then, I was contributing to society.

But then I stepped out and decided that I would rather contribute towards the earth, in ways that feel right to me, where I am taking direct action. On top of that, I want to contribute towards helping shine a light on the truth.

Which is not always an easy thing to find or share. I always follow my gut, I´m not so interested, in this idea that we need to back our info up. By whom, by those who have been paid, to say whatever those in power what them to say.

Yeah that doesn´t sit so well with me. If I want to know something, I go find out about it. I have very little trust in governments or institutions. If you want to know the truth, then really, you should go follow the silenced and really think, about why they have been silenced in the first place.

Keep asking questions, be a thorn, in the side of those who are trying to steer and control our lives, those who are trying to take away our freedoms.
Who have invested a lot on keeping us divided.

Who fuel the media, keeping fear well and truly alive.

I´m on of those, who likes to gather with like minded folk in bunkers and talk about solutions and how we can bring about change. Who are not afraid to
face the truth, to explore the dark side, so that it can finally be brought into the light.

I´m not obedient, you won´t see me falling into line. I much prefer curves anyway.

My time and focus is on community, on creating independent infrastructure so that we can claim our sovereignty and live in abundance, natural abundance. Living in balance with nature and not turning a blind eye to the way in which she has been treated.

Feeding into the lies that our governments throw at us. Playing along with their games. So, am I a hero or a villain? It depends, on who is reading the book. I´d be a dissident to some and in their eyes, an easy villain. What a trouble maker, piercing holes in the bubbles that have been manufactured and delivered to so many.

Or maybe, just maybe I would be a hero, cos at the end of the day, I really don´t give a flying feck what anyone thinks of me, cos I got way to much more important shit to focus on. Focus on and do!

This is my response, to one of the prompts in the wonderful Weekend Engagement Challenge. Big up @galenkp, for reminding us to think outside of the box.

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