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Going Naked And Changing My Name (WE #127)

A naked weekend on a deserted island or change my name. I mean, I can have both can't I, I think they should go hand in hand actually. Plus, I'm my own boss, so both it is.


Deserted Island, I am right there, to be honest I would really like to do it by myself, but instead I have to take three people with me. People, who are comfortable about being naked, that part is very important for me.

And who's me, well for this weekend, my name is Willow Chanterelle. Because who doesn't want to represent the forests and the wonderful fungi. I'm actually quite happy with my own name, but if I had to chose another, well, I would go with Ms Chanterelle.

Who walks with such an ease and strength, at home in the wild. Who knows how to make the most beautiful things, out of seemingly thin air. Who is daring and an avid explorer.

And I dare you to say the name, without making it sound pretty darn exotic. Which of course, is who it sounds to me at least.

So, upon hearing about the opportunity to experience a deserted island, where I and 3 others could roam about, freed of their clothes. Well it was a no brainer really, for I, Willow Chanterelle was made for this experience.


And so where the 3 friends, that I will take along with me. My sister from another mister, Sinead, a friend from Ireland, who has already been on some epic adventures with me, in the past. So it is time, to get back at it.

Then there would be Seb, who I love to hang and jam with and who has had, many a night in the wild. I am sure we will find ways to make some instruments. I can only imagine what we will find, coconut shells, seeds and lots of seashells.

I would also be accompanied by my Friend Rosa, who resides in Italy, she so deserves to come with me. She is an awesome woman, friend and mama who could really do with a holiday and wow, do we know how to have fun together.

Four bare bodies in the sun and under the moon light. Sounds divine to me and I am sure my body would agree.


Three days of swimming in the sea, feeling the waves lap over every part of our bodies. Foraging for fruits and berries and perhaps even for some nuts. Which of course would include climbing trees.

I have always wanted to climb trees naked.

I don't imagine, I was naked enough as a child to have enjoyed that. Ireland is not the warmest of countries and nudity was not encouraged when I was growing up. Of course one would have to be careful and keep their wits about them, so that no precious body parts got hurt.

But I'm up for it, that's for sure. Also some rolling in the sand, when it's not hot that is. And finding a lush waterfall, where we could do some more swimming.

We would of course need some sort of shelter, just in case, but having lush forest next to us, we have no problems sourcing branches and vines. Making our shelter on the edges of both, the beach and forest.


Then, as night falls, we light a fire, after finding some flint. Yes, how lucky we are, getting to built a fire on the beach. As we foraged for fruit earlier, we also managed to find and collect some shells and seeds. Using the left over vine from our shelter built, we sit around the fire and make some shakers. Singing as we create.

Seb has found a pretty neat tree stump and two sticks almost the same size. They sound great being beat rhythmically against the tree. What with our voices and the shakers we are dancing round that fire, not a care in the world.

Loving the feel of sand on out feet and the heat of the fire on our skin. Live doesn't get much better that this and this is only the first night. Can you imagine how much more fun we are going to have, this next following one?

I for one, look forward to waking up on the beach, with taking a dip in the ocean being the perfect way to start the day.
Living the naked dream!

This is my entry into the latest Weekend Engagement Challenge, where you choose a prompt and just go with it. Make sure to check out the weekend-engagement tag for some of the other entries.