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High school life... WEEK 215

High school life...


Hello dear readers

Look, this weekend I found a sensitive topic for me that I want to write a few lines about and share with you.

The high school years, ah, what times, but let me tell you how I got there.
I live in a rural area, here, in my commune, we didn't have high school classes, only primary and middle school, so after I finished primary and middle school, I was somehow forced to go to high school.

I had two possibilities, one to go to high school in the neighboring town (somewhere 15kilometers away) or to go to the most popular city here (somewhere 25kilometers away).

Me being a country boy who didn't get to visit these two cities much, I was honestly a bit afraid of how I would manage.

My parents looked very carefully at these two options and in the end they chose one of them, which was to enroll in the high school closest to me, even though it was much lower ranked than the one in my main town.

The advantage of this high school was that the commute was quite easy, I could go by bus, I had a bus stop very close to me, but to get to the other city I had to take the train and then I had to change two trams, and yes, that was a pain for me.

Look, that's how the first days of high school followed, here I met new faces, from the very first days I noticed that some groups were formed (I wasn't accepted in any of them), they called me the country boy.

And yes, I was marginalized, they didn't give me a chance, I had to do something about it, I was very shy.

I didn't experience that city life, you know what I mean, I really had to do something, but something was blocking me from doing something.

I tried to interact with a few, but to no avail, I managed to attract even more negative reactions and because I had better learning results than them.

The days passed and the situation worsened, I had to do something, I couldn't accept being the country boy forever.

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't bullied in that way, but in a way that was practiced in those high school days, as far as I have seen today this bullying is totally different from then.

With time I managed to make myself understood and to be accepted in these groups and that's how I managed to live the best high school days, bonding with some of my classmates friendships that last ever since.

Unfortunately from that period I didn't get to take pictures except for the graduation ones, then I didn't have access to so many social media.

In conclusion I can say that high school years were the most intense school years of mine, thanks to them I managed to build another foundation of my education that helped me later to go on to college after which I became the adult I am today.


If you liked what you saw and read here please don't forget to give a LiKe, Follow, reBlog or a Comment, for all this I thank you, and until the next post I say goodbye.

P.S. The attached picture you have just seen are taken by me with my mobile phone(Samsung Galaxy S21), and the text is also designed by me.

Yours @triplug😉